大学计算机——应用、计算与思维 实验指导书 实验二 素材 物联网行业发展分析.doc

大学计算机——应用、计算与思维 实验指导书 实验二 素材 物联网行业发展分析.doc

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物联网行业发展分析 物联网行业发展分析 摘  要 目前世界各国己经开始重视物联网的建设,并做了大量的技术研发和应用工作,使得物联网产业己经成为推动世界经济增长的重要新兴产业。物联网产业既是当前我国应对国际经济危机冲击应影响,保持经济发展的重要举措,也是构建现代产业体系、提升产业核心竞争力和实现经济社会可持续发展的必然选择。我国政府已经把物联网列入六大战略性新兴产业,标志着物联网产业已经提升至国家战略层面。从现在起到2020年,中国物联网产业将经历应用创新,技术创新和服务创新3个阶段,成长为一个超过5万亿规模的巨大产业。在当今物联网热潮中,探索产业的发展特点和商业模式等问题变得非常重要,同时需要找到推动产业发展的关键应用。 本文介绍物联网的相关概念,分析物联网带来的商业机会,然后介绍物联网在智能控制,信息识别,位置监测和动态跟踪监测等方面的功能。依据相关理论分析物联网的发展现状和与典型应用,分析物联网发展的政策、经济、社会和技术环境,总结发展中的主要问题并结合行业特点提出物联网应用的商业模式。 关键字:物联网;商业模式;信息识别 ANALYSIS OF INTERNET OF THINGS INDUSTRY'S DEVELOPIVIENT ABSTRACT Internet of Things has become an important driving in emerging industries for world economic growth. Internet of Things is the important way to deal with the international economic crisis, IOT also maintain economic development, in building a modern industrial system, enhance the core competitiveness and achieve economic and social sustainable inevitable choice. Internet of things has been upgraded to the national strategic industry level by our government. From now to 2020, the IOT industry will go through the application of innovation, technical innovation and service innovation three stages, grown to a size of more than 5 trillion huge markets. Today, explore the development of industry characteristics and business model issues become very important, and needs to be found to promote industrial development in critical applications. First part of this paper we explain the concept of IOT, analyze IOT brings business opportunities, and then introduce the smart control networking, information identification, position detection and other such functions. Analyze current status and typical applications based on the theory of development. Analyze IOT development policy, economic, social and technological environment, summary the key issues and according to the current status of IOT applications, in addition to inheriting the Internet and mobile Internet business model. Key Words:Internet of things;Business model;message identifi



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