The Crowded Room《拥挤的房间(2023)》第一季第十集完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Crowded Room《拥挤的房间(2023)》第一季第十集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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你真是一道靓丽的风景 Aren't you a sight for sore eyes? 谁会这么说啊 Who even really says that? 这话到底什么意思 What does it actually even mean? 你真的认为这是我现在想聊的吗 Do you really think that's what I wanna talk about right now? 我只是觉得 综合考虑下来 这个话题比较轻松 I just thought, all things considered, it was pretty light. 你想搞笑 You trying to be funny? 可能是吧 I guess I am. 丹尼 Danny. 你看到日落了吗 Did you see the sunset? 天空五颜六色 The sky is lousy with colors. 老天 从这里根本看不到 Jesus. You can't even see it from here. 我可以想象 I can imagine it. 事实证明 我很善于想象 Turns out, I'm pretty good at that. 丹尼 留在我身边 让我帮你 Danny, stay with me. Let me help. 没事 我能行 It's okay. I got this. 你不行 You don't. 你需要帮助 让我帮你 You need help. Let me help. 我现在可以将你屏蔽掉了 I can keep you out now. 太好了 治疗万岁 Fantastic. Hooray for therapy. 丹尼 醒醒 Danny, wake up. 丹尼 请放我进来 Danny, let me in, please. 什么 What? 好安静 It's quiet. 之前从来没安静过 It's never been quiet before. 丹尼 Danny. 丹尼 醒醒 Danny, wake up. (根据小说《24个比利》改编) (作者 丹尼尔凯斯) 拥挤的房♥间 第一季第十集[季终] 把孩子们放进袋子里 Put the kids in a bag. 听着 把孩子们放进袋子里 Look. Put the kids in a bag. 扎紧 这样他们停止呼吸时便能看出来 Tight. So you can see when they stop breathing. 下一位 请向前走 Next. Step up, please. 嗨 斯坦 - 嗨 拉斯 Hey, Stan. - Hey, Russ. 我得补点药 I just gotta get a refill on that. 这是两周前拿的 哥们 You got these two weeks ago, man. 所以呢 - 斯坦 So? - Stan. 听着 我只需要挺过这次审判 然后我就停药 好吗 Look, I just gotta get through this trial and then I'm done. Okay? 抱歉 哥们 I'm sorry, man. 拜托 拉斯 - 斯坦 Come on, Russ. - Stan. 你让后面排队的人等太久了 哥们 快点 You're holding up the line, man. Let's go. 这简直岂有此理 - 规矩不是我定的 哥们 You know this is bullshit, right? - I don't make the rules, man. 我曾为国效力 到了这里却像个乞丐 I served my country, and I come in here like a fucking beggar... 好 斯坦 理解 别说了 - 一无所获 Okay-- Stan, I unders-- Stop! - ...and I still get nothing. 我的药断档了 - 冷静点 他们会把你赶出去的 I'm at a deficit here. - Calm down. They're gonna throw you out. 这是国家欠我的 - 好了 过来 It's what I'm owed! - Okay. Come here! 答应我 你一定要去预约看医生 好吗 I need you to book to see the doc. Okay? 冷静点 Be cool. 谢谢 Thanks. 喂 Yeah? 法官大人 Your Honor-- 你已经错过了你的提案截止日期 你缺席了几堂课 You've



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