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课后练习记录: 月 日 星期 Unit 6 Life Choices 6.4 Writing Workshop & Reading Club Ⅰ. 单句语法填空 1. I can orally ____________(summary) the information I have read in English. 2. I became a teacher because I preferred books and people ____________ politics. 3. The ____________ (discover)of the modern printing press changed the way information was delivered. 4. It is because of the health benefits, ____________ (include)lowering your risk for disease. 5. The whole food chain is affected by the overuse of ____________(chemical) in agriculture. 6. The term“multitasking”____________(original) referred to a computer’s ability to carry out several tasks at one time. 7. He continued speaking, in spite ____________ my feelings on the matter. 8. My suggestion is that we should set ____________ a working group. 9. I want to take a part-time job ____________ it is difficult sometimes. 10. The box is too heavy ____________ carry for the young boy. II.完成句子 1. 袁隆平是中国著名科学家之一。 __________________________________________ 2. 他被誉为“杂交水稻之父”。 __________________________________________ ? 3. 为了解决产量低的问题, 他选择在大学学习农业。 __________________________________________ 4. 毕业后, 他从事研究工作。 __________________________________________ 5. 经过多年的努力, 他在1974年成功研制出第一批杂交水稻。 __________________________________________ 6. 杂交水稻使农民(土地)的产量大大增加。 __________________________________________ 7. 他的创新帮助养活了更多的人。 __________________________________________ 8. 他的宝贵贡献在国内外为他带来了无数奖项。 __________________________________________ 9. 袁隆平不重名利并大量捐款支持农业科研。 __________________________________________ 10. 尽管年事已高, 袁仍然充满梦想, 他正在使之变成现实。 __________________________________________ 句式升级 11. 把第1、2句合并为含有定语从句的复合句。 __________________________________________ 12. 把第4、5、6句合并成并列复合句。 __________________________________________ __________________________________________ ⅠI. 阅读理解 A   As the saying goes, “Without music, life would be a mistake. ” Music is very important in our lives and here are four of the greatest musicians in history.   Ludwig van Beet



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