重庆大学《病理学》课件-第2章Tissue repair.pptx

重庆大学《病理学》课件-第2章Tissue repair.pptx

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CHAPTER Ⅱ Tissue repair;§1. Regeneration;一. Cell cycle and proliferative potential;2.Types;② Cell groups:;(2) Stable (quiescent) cells: ;(3) Permanent (nondividing) cells:;二、Regeneration process of various tissues;2. Glandular epithelium:;(二) Fibrous tissue;(三) BV regeneration;;(四) Cartilage and bone tissue 1. Cartilage: proliferation capacity (chondroblast)↓ 2. Bone: proliferation capacity↑ (osteoblast) (五) muscle regeneration Muscle tissue: lower regenerative capacity Muscle fiber spilt completely →FT↑→scar (六) Nervous tissue NC can’t regeneration replaced by glial cell → glial scar;;§3. Fibrous repair;;;(二) Functions and results; 二、Scar (一)Concept granulation tissue →CT (二)Morphology Gross:contract, pallor, semitransparent tough less elasticity. LM: composed of collagen parallel fasciculi(hyaline change), less fibrous cells, and BV;Scar;;;;;;(二) bone fracture healing 1. basic process ⑴ hematoma formation:1-2days ⑵ fibrous bone scab formation: 2-3days, granulation tissue form ⑶ osteal bone scab: osblast → osloid tissue → calcium deposition → woven bone → osteal bone scab. ⑷ rebuild or remodel: woven bone →ply bone →normal relationship →normal struture. ; 2. factors of affect fracture healing ⑴ correct reposition timely ⑵ firmly fixation timely ⑶ take exercise early, keep local blood supply well.;;;;;CPC病例3;X线检查: ;临床处理:术后X线报告对位、对线尚可。术后一周再次复查,结果同前。一月后复查,对位、对线良好,见少量骨痂形成。牵引一月后改为石膏固定二月。 术后三月复查:;骨折愈合过程组织病理学改变;纤维及软骨性骨痂形成 ;骨痂形成:软骨细胞肥大,基质钙化,以软骨内化骨的方式成骨。 ;骨痂形成:骨痂中新生骨为编织骨小梁表面为成骨 细胞,小梁间纤维组织富于血管。;讨论: 1. 该骨折愈合属于哪种类型的修复? 2. 骨折愈合的基本过程如何? 3. 哪些因素可影响骨折的愈合?;病例三答案 CHAPTER Ⅱ Tissue repair;§1. Regeneration;一. Cell cycle and proliferative potential;2.Types;② Cell groups:;(2) Stable (quiescent) cells: ;(3) Permanent (nondividing) cells:;二、Regeneration


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