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毕业纪念册同学录 个人影集画册 相册Yearbook ?GRADUATION此刻却真的是分别的重量,让我不敢抬头看天,怕看见那缓缓坠阳,西斜射过短暂的初衷时光。但我们仍是快乐的,在这未染纤尘的纯真年代,泪水不容我们把过去回访,可是,仍忍不住,闲暇时的偷偷回望。烟波流转间,回首的刹那,依稀可辨三年前的我们,幼稚,在无虑的歌唱,挥了挥洁白的衣袖,引起一缕纯粹的芳香。告别吾友,请允许我泪水含眶。即使知道我们仍能再会。可是,仍有一股莫名的喜悦与辛酸,萦绕心房。原来。告别的不只是回忆。 It is recommended that you use Microsoft Ya Hei font when displaying. All graphic lines and their corresponding materials in this template can be freely edited, color changed and replaced.GRADUATION SEASON毕业季,一曲青春殇 输入相片名称输入相片名称输入相片名称输入相片名称输入相片名称输入相片名称It is recommended that you use Microsoft Ya Hei font when displaying. All graphic lines and their corresponding materials in ths template can be freely edited, color changed and replaced.GRADUATION SEASON是一场迁徙的开始 输入相片名称POSITION输入相片名称POSITION输入相片名称POSITIONIt is recommended that you use Microsoft Ya Hei font when displaying. All graphic lines and their corresponding materials in ths template can be freely edited, color changed and replaced. It is recommended that you use Microsoft Ya Hei font when displaying. All graphic lines and their corresponding materials in ths template can be freely edited, color changed and replaced.输入相片名称POSITION输入相片名称POSITION 啊,毕业季It is recommended that you use Microsoft Ya Hei font when displaying. All graphic lines and their corresponding materials in ths template can be freely edited, color changed and replaced.总有校园,这—方洁净的天地20XX输入相片名称 20XX输入相片名称20XX输入相片名称20XX输入相片名称 春花秋叶It is recommended that you use Microsoft Ya Hei font when displaying. All graphic lines and their corresponding materials in ths template can be freely edited, color changed and replaced.无论贫穷还是富裕 纯真的梦想在这里发芽 沉淀着—代又一代青春成长的影像校园的输入相片名称20XX 输入相片名称输入相片名称输入相片名称 It is recommended that you use Microsoft Ya Hei font when displaying. All graphic lines and their corresponding materials in ths template can be freely edited, color changed and replaced.努力的自己 输入相片名称It is recommended that you use Microsoft Ya Hei font when displaying. All graphic lines and their corresponding materials in ths template can be


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