9bUnit 2 Welcome教学设计课件.pptx

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Unit 2 Great people;Are they great people? ;Discussion;;Christopher Columbus;Nelson Mandela;Qian Xuesen;William Shakespeare;Peter Tchaikovsky;Help the students write the correct word under each picture.;d;Name ;Make up a new dialogue with partner like the model.;1. Who does Eddie think is the greatest person in the world? Paul Yum. 2. Does Hobo know who Paul Yum is? No, he doesn’t. 3. Who is Paul Yum? He is the person who invented Eddie’s favourite food.;Fill in the blanks;Discussion;Useful phrases and expressions;language points;1、Who do you think is the greatest person in history, Eddie? do you think在句中作插入语,意为“你认为”,它后面的部分常用陈述语序。插入语一般是对一句话作适当的附加解释,若将其去掉,对整个句子并无多大影响。若把插入语提到句子的前面,它就会成为主要部分,而原来的主要部分则成为一个从句。 例如:你认为她什么时候会回来? When do you think she will be back? (do you think为插入语) Do you think when she will be back? (do you think为主句) 1)一般疑问句形式的插人语用于特殊疑问句中时,常放在疑问词之后。 What do you think is needed to make a movie or a play? 2)如果疑问词后是一个完整的句子,则疑问词后的句子仍用陈述语序,不用疑问语序。 When do you think he will be back? ;2、I’ve never heard of him. hear of =hear about 听说 hear from 收到……的来信 ① hear表示“听到、听说”,强调听的结果,listen则表示“听”,强调听的动作。类似的还有:look“看”,see“看到”;look for“寻找”,find“找到”。 I listened carefully but I couldn’t hear what he said. ② hear sb. doing sth.“听到某人正在做某事” Can you hear the girl singing in the next room? ③ hear sb. do sth.“听到某人做某事的全过程” Parents heard the teacher scold their son for half an hour.;3、He’s an inventor. He invented my favourite food. invent作动词,意为“发明、创造”,其名词形式为inventor“发明者”和invention“发明物”。 Can you tell me who invented the telephone? 4、Italian, one of the first Europeans to discover America. the first (one) to do sth.“第一个做某事的人”。动词不定式常用作定语修饰序数词或者序数词修饰的名词。 Li Ming is always the first one to get to the classroom.;5、South African,a fighter for the rights of black Africans all his life 1) South African 名词,“南非人”。 South African形容词,“南非的”。South Africa “南非”。 一些表示国家或地区的名词,可加后缀-(a)n,构成形容词/名词,“……的/人” Africa非洲——African非洲的;非洲人 Italy 意大利——ltalian意大利的;意大利人 Eu


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