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New Words  windward 迎风  saturation/saturate 饱和  leeward 背风  cloud base 云底  wind shear 风切变  radiation 辐射  proximity 接近  cumulus 积云  microburst 微下击暴流  stratus 层云  downdraft/downwash 下洗流  cirrus 卷云  alert/warn 警告  cas anus 堡状云  ridge 高压脊  lenticularus 荚状云  trough 低压槽  nimbus 雨云  cut-off low (col )鞍部  fracto 碎云  dew 露水  alto 高云  evaporation 蒸发  hail 冰雹  sublimation 升华  tornado New Words  gust 阵风  thunderstorm雷暴  lightning 闪电  circumnavigate 绕航  ceiling云底高  drizzle 毛毛雨  Arctic 北极的  front 锋面  shower 阵雨 Focus  What is wind shear?  When does the wind shear usually occur?  Why is low-level wind shear more dangerous?  If you take off unintentionally into a mircroburst, what will happen?  Why is frost dangerous to flight safety?  Can you describe the stages of a thunderstorm? Weather  Weather is an important factor that influences aircraft performance and flying safety. It is the state of the atmosphere at a given time and ce, with respect to variables such as temperature (heat or cold), moisture (wetness or dryness), wind velocity (calm or storm), visibility (clearness or cloudiness), and barometric pressure (high or low).  The term weather can also apply to adverse


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