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雅思写作和口语短语归纳(环境) 1 dispose of 处理掉,扔掉 Some waste is disposed of under the sea. 一些废物被扔到了海中。 disposable...一次性的(用品等) It seems efforts to restrain the use of disposable chopsticks face many obstacles. 看起来反对使用一次性筷子的计划面临着许多障碍。 2 vicious circle 恶性循环 She got caught in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain. 她陷入到了节食和增重的恶性循环里。 adverse effect 负面影响 The policy may have adverse effects on the economy. 这项政策可能对经济有反作用。 3 Non-biodegradable material生物不可降解材料 Non-biodegradable material does not decay or dissolve away by natural forces. 由生物不可降解材料制成的物品不会因自然力而腐烂或溶解。 reusable / recyclable material 可以被重复利用的材料 When recyclable material is not disposed of correctly, it may add to the mass of polluting waste. 当可回收材料物品被处理不当时,那可能会给污染治理带来更大的麻烦。 pollution reduction 减少污染 Long-term traffic and pollution reduction would depend on educating the public to use public transport more, and on governments using public money to construct and run efficient systems. 长期的交通和污染的减少取决于教育公众更多地使用公共交通,也取决于政府使用公共资金去 建立并运行更加有效的公交体系。 4 use sth wastefully 浪费某种资源 Electricity is often used wastefully. 电能经常被浪费。 hydro-electric power 水电 Clean sources of energy include solar, wind, hydro-electric and nuclear power. 清洁能源包括太阳能、风能、水能和核能。 5 the biosphere (地球上的)生物圈 Scientists are wondering what effects global warming will have on the biosphere. 科学家们好奇全球变暖会给生态环境带来怎样的影响。 endangered species 濒危物种 40% of the species on Earth are endangered species, which means they are at risk of becoming extinct. 地球上40%的物种是瀕危物种,这意味着他们正在面临灭绝。 equilibrium 平衡的较正式表达 Destruction of old material and formation of new material are in permanent dynamic. 旧成分的破坏与新成分的生成处在一种持续不的动态平衡里。 6 ozone layer 臭氧层 Scientists have been worried about the hole in the ozonejayer which appeared over Antarctica. 科学家们对南极上空出现的臭氧空洞十分担忧。 the atmosphere 大气层 These factories are releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere. 这些工厂向大气排放了很多有毒气体。 7 cause irreversible damage 导致不可逆转的破坏 In some countries, air pollution is causing irreversible damage to the environirent. 在一些国家,大气污染会对环境做出一些不可逆转的


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