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上海大学附中09-10 学年高二上学期期末考试 英语试卷 (全卷分值100 分; 完卷时间 100 分钟) 考 试 说 明 1。 答题卡上九位数学号需准确填写无误; 例:1 班 52 号: 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 5 2 精品文档放心下载 填写后还要正确涂黑。 不涂或不写扣 5 分;涂错写错扣 2 分;谢谢阅读 第 13 页答卷纸上姓名及学号不写也同样扣分; 2。 所有选择题答案均涂在答题卡上,17-24 不涂。答案号和考题号对准,不要错 位;若错位,一律按阅卷机得分为准;主观题均书写在答卷纸上,否则不计分;感谢 阅读 I.听力部分 (24 分) Part A:Short Conversations 感谢阅读 Directions: In Part A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers 。At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said 。The conversation and the questions will be spoken only once 。After you hear a conversation and the question about it,read the four possible answers in your paper ,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard 。精品文档放心下载 1. A. $1 B. $2 C. $3 D。 $4 2. A. Watch B. Cell phone bill C。Driving D. Games 3. A 。7:45 B. 7:15 C. 7:30 D. 8:15 4. A 。She is glad to meet Robert. B. She’s surprised to hear from Robert 。 C. She doesn't enjoy talking with Robert. D. She was ready to call Robert。 5. A. By train B。By subway C. By air 。 D. By ship. 6. A 。Teacher and student. B。Mother and son. C。Customer and assistant. D。Doctor and nurse. 7. A 。Its price is too high。 B。It’s high in quality. C。It’s worth the price. D。It's well made。 8. A 。Consult the telecommunication bureau. - 1 - B. Go to the telecommunication bureau.感谢阅读 C。Call the telecommunication bureau.感谢阅读 D。Discuss with the telecommunication bureau。感谢阅读 9. A 。She will probably take part in the English speech contest。B。 She likes taking part in the English speech contest 。谢谢阅读


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