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?You okay, Alex? 你还好吗,亚历克斯? If I was any better, I'd be unbearable. 如果我再好一点, 我会受不了的。 What do we got, Stanley? 斯坦利,我们得到了什么? 三维魔法。 Three-dimensional magic. Show me. 告诉我。 Lights, maestro. 灯光,大♥师♥。 Set? Yep. 设置? 是的。 Hit it. 击中它。 Ruthie? 鲁西? She volunteered. 她是自愿的。 是的。好吧,她 是一个志愿服务的女孩。 Yeah. Well, she's a volunteering kind of girl. 好的,平移投影仪。 Okay, pan the projector. 大约偏离轴线 20 度, 然后她就到了。 About 20 degrees off axis, and there she goes. Well, I guess we're not ready to thrill the audience 好吧,我想我们还没有准备好 让观众兴奋 与 Ruth Jernigan 在全息光辉 3-D 中。 with Ruth Jernigan in holographic glorious 3-D. Stan,进去 对我来说看起来不错。 Stan, go in there and look nice for me. 好的,现在为我行动 ,Stan。 Okay, now act for me, Stan. 风很大。 天气很冷,风很大。 It's windy. It's cold, it's windy. A big storm coming. Lightning! 一场大风暴来了。 闪电! Good thing you're not an actor, Stan. 幸好 你不是演员,Stan。 All right, babes, that's enough. Thanks. 好的,宝贝们, 够了。谢谢。 and as we move around the corner, 当我们 在拐角处移♥动♥时, 在我们右边你会看到 我们自己的魔法屋, on our right you'll see our own house of magic, 我们的导演真正让 不可能成真。 where our directors truly make the impossible come true. The special effects building. 特效建筑。 我们稍后可能会去那里,然后 继续这次旅行,一直到火星。 We just might pop in there later on, and continue this tour all the way to Mars. Oh, and coming out over there right on cue for us, ladies and gentlemen, 哦,女士们先生们,从那边出来 为我们提示, that fellow there is the master of special effects. 那家伙是 特效大♥师♥。 That's the young man who's made more super hits 这就是那个年轻人 他创造了更多的超级热门歌♥曲 超过好莱坞 历史上任何一位导演,Alex Brady。 than any director in Hollywood history, Alex Brady. 他来了, 骑着他的小推车。 And here he comes, riding on his little cart. Hi, Alex! 嗨,亚历克斯! Next, we'll go around the corner and come to our Western town. 接下来,我们绕过拐角 来到我们的西部小镇。 Actually, it's more like six Western towns all rolled into one. 实际上,它更像是六个西部 城镇合而为一。 我们将所有 街道集中在这里的原因是... The reason we bring all the streets together here is... 亚历克斯? Alex? 亚历克斯? Alex? 伦尼。 Lennie. Lennie! You come to town, you don't call, you don't let



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