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漯河实验高级中学2022-2023学年高一下学期6月月考英语试卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读理解 Music and art festivals are fun and exciting events. If you're panning to go to a festival, it's important to plan your trip carefully to ensure that you re safe and have a good time. ■Bring clothes to keep warm or cool In addition to your fun festival clothing, pack a raincoat, some light tank tops, and a sweater or sweatshirt. Don't forget longer pants for cool evenings or bad weather. In general, it's best to leave your umbrella at home because they can be dangerous in large crowds. ■Get a cheap tent and sleeping bag for multi - day festivals A majority of people end up throwing their tent away after long festivals, since they normally break from the use. Pick up a less expensive tent with enough room for you and your friends and pack a comfortable seeping bag for yourself, 1f you don't want to camp at the festival, remember to book an AirBnb or a hotel room nearby! ■Place a first aid kit in a proper place Before the festival, buy a small first aid kit with band aids, and any medication that you need to take, in case you get minor injuries or a headache. Keep it in a proper place that's easily accessible, like your tent or car. 1、Why should umbrellas be left at home? A. They take up too much space. B. The weather will be terrible. C. They might hurt someone. D. Travelers prefer raincoats, 2、What do most people do with tents after festivals? A. Sell them. B. Return them. C. Pack them up. D. Throw them away. 3、What is suggested about the first aid kit? A. It should be put at hand. B. It ought to be big enough. C. It must contain all medicines. D. It has to be placed in the car. How's your vacation? I'm visiting my uncle in Spain.He lives in the sunny and beautiful city of Valencia, in Spain. Yesterday, I had great fun.My uncle took me to the tomato festival in Bunol, which is just 30 miles away from where my uncle lives.You have probably never heard of this



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