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端午节中英文演讲致辞稿《浓浓端午情 拳拳爱国心》 端午节让我们想起爱国诗人屈原。??? Dragon Boat Festival reminds us of thepatriotic poet Quyuan.??????? 滔滔汨罗水,悠悠数千年,拳拳赤子心,感天动地情。??? Torrential Miluo water, thousands of years,boxers, pure hearts, touching the world.??????? 我们仿佛看到:战国时,楚国千甲疆域毁于一旦。??? It seems to us that during the WarringStates Period, which destroyed the territory of the State of Chu.??????? 百姓流离失所,屈原有心报国,无力回天。??? Seeing the collapse of the country and thedisplacement of the people, Qu Yuan was intent on repaying the country andunable to return to heaven.??????? 悲愤之下,他抱着一块巨石投汨罗江而去。??? In his grief and indignation, he hugged ahuge stone and threw it into the Miluo River.??????? 这一天是农历五月初五。??? This day is the fifth day of May in thelunar calendar.??????? 后来每到这一天,人们就在江河上赛龙舟,并把五色丝线包裹的粽子投入水中,只为了喂饱鱼龙虾蟹,保全屈原,怀念屈原。??? Later on this day, people raced dragon boatson rivers and put dumplings wrapped in five-color silk thread into the water inorder to feed fish, lobster and crab, preserve Qu Yuan and miss him.??????? 两千年之后的今天,我们谈论屈原的爱国主义,倡导的是什么呢???? Today, two thousand years later, when we talk about Quyuan's patriotism, what do we advocate???????? 我们倡导的是屈原热爱自由,和平的精神,是面对危机以天下为已任的高度的责任感,是面对强权宁折不弯的精神,??? What we advocate is Qu Yuan's love offreedom and peace, his high sense of responsibility in the face of crisis and his indomitable spirit in the face of power. 和屈原不同,我们身处的时代是盛世的中国。??? Unlike Quyuan, we live in a prosperousChina.??????????? 这个富足自信的新时代,这都是我们的父辈甚至我们的祖辈怀持爱国的理念,抛头颅洒热血为我们拼搏来的。??? In this new era of abundant self-confidence,These are the patriotic ideas of our fathers and even our grandfathers, whofought hard for us with their heads and blood.????? ????????? 华为总裁任正非,面对美国的技术限制,回应到“最重要的还是把自己的事做好”,这就是爱国,这就是贡献。??? Ren Zhengfei, president of Huawei, respondedto the technical restrictions of the United States that "the mostimportant thing is to do our own thing well." that is contribution.??????? 珍惜我们看似应得的宽敞明亮的教室,珍惜我们的学习的机会,努力听好每一堂课,学好每一个知识就是我们现在能做好的事。??? Cherish our seemingly deserved spacious andbrig


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