高考英语冲刺模拟试题分类汇编:专题06 完形填空(甲乙卷) 解析版.docx

高考英语冲刺模拟试题分类汇编:专题06 完形填空(甲乙卷) 解析版.docx

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高考英语(5月)三轮冲刺模拟试题分类汇编(甲乙卷) 专题06完形填空 解析版 距离高考还有一段时间,不少有经验的老师都会提醒考生,愈是临近高考,能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理,能不能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。以下是本人从事10多年教学经验总结出的以下学习资料,希望可以帮助大家提高答题的正确率,希望对你有所帮助,有志者事竟成! 养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。做题前,要认真阅读题目要求、题干和选项,并对答案内容作出合理预测;答题时,切忌跟着感觉走,最好按照题目序号来做,不会的或存在疑问的,要做好标记,要善于发现,找到题目的题眼所在,规范答题,书写工整;答题完毕时,要认真检查,查漏补缺,纠正错误。总之,在最后的复习阶段,学生们不要加大练习量。在这个时候,学生要尽快找到适合自己的答题方式,最重要的是以平常心去面对考试。英语最后的复习要树立信心,考试的时候遇到难题要想“别人也难”,遇到容易的则要想“细心审题”。越到最后,考生越要回归基础,单词最好再梳理一遍,这样有利于提高阅读理解的效率。另附高考复习方法和考前30天冲刺复习方法。 【2023届河南省郑州市高三下学期三模】 Standing on the shore of a lake, I can’t help but feel surprised at the thousands of small rocks that surround my boots. They were all created from ____21____ surfaces, their edges softening over time. I wonder, “Can we learn from a pile of rocks?” Even the tallest mountains have ____22____; none are as tall as they were 1,000 years ago. And much like a rock, I’ve found my ____23____ has softened and my desire to better understand others has expanded with each trip around the sun. ____24____, I was also a sharp rock covered in pointy edges. Today, after decades of the waters of life coursing over me, my edges are softer and I’m more ____25____. I’m less likely to judge and more interested in learning how we can ____26____ together. But I’m not a ____27____. I’m a human filled with all the drama built into my DNA. Two years ago, while traveling in the Pacific Northwest, I watched a restaurant owner ask several young men to ____28____ for not wearing masks. Not ____29____ and not rude. On the door read a sign, “Please wear a mask before entering our restaurant. We don’t like it either, but let’s all do what we can to _____30_____ this together.” The group of young men wanted to _____31_____ about the note. I sat at the restaurant watching, understanding both sides. I’ve been one of them before, using my youthful edges to chip away at (削弱) the world. What I lost, _____32_____, was the ability to grow from _____33_____ by looking through the



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