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Unit 8 Our ClothesTopic2 Different jobs require different uniforms. Section C故县一中 王高伟 Is it suitable for a student to wear a cap in class?No , it isn’t . He should take off his cap. We should dress correctly on every occasion! Mark suitable (s) or unsuitable (u)( ) 1.When we have P.E classes, we should wear sports shoes.( ) 2. If you go to a formal dinner party, you should wear jeans.( ) 3.When you take part in the meeting , you should wear casual shoes.( ) 4.When you are at home, you should wear business suit.( ) 5.If you work at the offices,you should wear uniforms.suuuS 1aListen and choose Uniforms have many________ in our lives.________wear green coats and helmets to ________themselves from heat and falling ____.__________wear green clothes to help them to _______in the forest. When we see airline ________wearing uniforms at the airport, we believe that they know how to fly the plane. Different jobs __________different uniforms.A. firefighters B. hide C. soldiers D. uses E. ceilings F. protect G. require H. pilotsDAFECBHG专注听,获信息 1.Why do firefighters wear special coats and helmets?2.Why do soldiers wear green clothes? 3.How do officials look when they dress in their uniforms? .4.Who can help us if we have a car accident on the street? Read and answer (快速阅读,回答问题)1a 1.Why do firefighters wear special coats and helmets? Firefighters wear special coats and helmets to protect themselves from heat and falling ceilings. 2.Why do soldiers wear green clothes? Soldiers wear green clothes to help them to hide in the forest 3.How do officials look when they dress in their uniforms? When officials dress in their uniforms, they look important.4.Who can help us if we have a car accident on the street? A police officer or a soldier can help us if we have a car accident on the street. He is a _________ /fai? fa?t?/ Guess


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