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Unit 1: Back to School 第1页,共36页。1.How do you like your first day of a new term?2.我很高兴见到我的同学。3.一个是Sandre,一个是Mary.4.结交新朋友5.我不知道如何开始。6.把你介绍给她。7.It's almost the same as Grade 7.8.你正穿着传统的衣服。9.你拉二胡,我表演舞蹈。10.Which one should I use? What do you think? 第2页,共36页。11.the picture of me12.他建议我选择那一个。13.这由你决定。14.我同意你。15.写下来16.他有点紧张。17.Go ahead!18.我最喜欢面包圈了。19.我也不喜欢下雨。20.I also like to go for walks. 第3页,共36页。21.Sometimes I hate to get out of bed early.22.I have one more question.23.与某人争论24.一个豆荚里的两颗豌豆25.spend time (in) doing sth.26.没门!27.They parted and went their own ways.28.In the following days29.在……末尾 互相 立刻马上30.伸出他的手 敌人 达成协议31.He felt embarrassed. 第4页,共36页。32.How do you feel when you talk in front of your class?33.He is ready to give his report to the class.34.I feel lucky to have her as my English teacher.35.博学的,有知识的36.她鼓励我们问问题。37.她既善良又有耐心。38.She likes to swim for exercise.39.Steven and I were on one team.40.这是一场公平的竞赛。41.The score was four to three. 第5页,共36页。42.上周六,我妈给我买了一条牛仔裤。43.She and I love to shop for clothes.44.I had the pleasure of talking to Mary.45.She invited me to go to the movies.46.My cousin Brain is arriving from the U.K.47. Time for bed! 第6页,共36页。Unit 2: My Favourite School Subject第7页,共36页。1.上课别迟到了!2.I hope to see them sometime.3.在未来4.I am much better at art this year.5.Class will start in two minutes.6.All of our teachers make us study very, very hard.7.Everyone laughed except the teacher.8.我今天已经用英语写了三封邮件了。9.这是学习语言最好的方式。10.I haven’t seen you since Tuesday, Li Lin. 第8页,共36页。11.I have been sick for two days.12.医生让我这周在家休息。13.Physics is a headache for me.14.I don’t understand it at all.15.That’s very kind of you.16.What time is convenient for you?17.准时 下载18.Danny rushed into the library.19.现在三点一刻了。20.She’s half an hour late. 第9页,共36页。21.也许她在那儿。22.学习关于……的知识23.Recently,my class has learned about China.24.Our teacher once worked in southern China.25.Have you done anything interesting this week?26.We each brought a painting to class.27.这张照片总是让我想


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