Peter Pan & Wendy《彼得·潘与温蒂(2023)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Peter Pan & Wendy《彼得·潘与温蒂(2023)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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别跑,骗子 Avast, you hornswoggler. 你才别跑,我要刺死你 Avast yourself. I'll run you through. 把你大卸八块 I'll tear you limb from limb. 嘿 Hey. 彼得潘,你快没时间了 Your time is running out, Peter Pan. 彼得潘才不在乎时间 Peter Pan doesn't care about time. 小心鳄鱼 Watch out for the crocodile. 你才要小心鳄鱼 You watch out for the crocodile. 温蒂,拜託不要拖到最后一刻才打包 And, Wendy, please don't wait to the last minute to pack. 不会的,母亲 I won't, Mother. 火车是明天早上八点整哦 -我听到了 The train is at 8 o'clock sharp tomorrow. -Mother, I heard you. 我会准备好的 I'll be ready. 母亲,不要挡路,宝藏在哪裡? Out of the way, Mother. Where's that treasure? 在哪裡? Where is it? Aha! 不,还给我! No, give it back! 约翰,还来啦 John, give it back. 我找到了! I've got it! 我找到宝藏了 I've got the treasure. 我找到宝藏了 I've got the treasure. 我找到宝藏了 I've got the treasure. 打中了 Got you. 在哪裡呢? Where is it? 虎克船长,我有点累了 Captain Hook, I'm getting a little tired. 休息一下好吗? Maybe we can take a break? 你认输了吗?要投降吗? Are you forfeiting? Are you giving up? 彼得,你没地方逃了 你那群走失的男孩也不见人影 I've got you cornered, Peter. Your Lost Boys are nowhere to be seen. 不会有人来救你的! No one will save you now! 你们不是忘了我吧?麦克,把宝藏给我 You're not forgetting about me, are you? Michael, give me your treasure. 我来收拾虎克 Now leave Hook to me. 让开,船长,不然我一刀捅死你 Make way, Captain, lest I run you through! 温蒂,加油! Go, Wendy! 来呀,温蒂 Come on, Wendy. 温蒂,加油 Go, Wendy. 别伤害他! Don't hurt him! 船长,要认输了吗? -才不 You giving up, Captain? -- No. 不行,妳刚刚… No, you're just... 那是什麽声音? What was that? 怎麽又来了? Not again. 这次是谁闯的祸? Who's responsible for this? 温蒂? -约翰,你这个告密鬼! Wendy? -John, you tattletale! 我什麽都没说 -不是我的错! I didn't say anything. -It wasn't my fault! 是他们玩的蠢游戏 -别激动 It was their silly game! -Now, now. 是他们起的头,不是我! -够了! And they started it, it wasn't me! -Enough! 剑 Sword. 剑、帽子 Sword, hats. 娜娜 Nana. 父亲,不能让牠在这裡待一下吗? Father, can't she just stay for a little while? 不能 No, she cannot. 说真的,温蒂,在家的最后一个晚上 妳打算这样度过吗? Honestly, Wendy, is this how you want to spend your last night at home? 我们只是想玩一下 -没错 It was just a bit of fun. -Exactly. 妳长大了,不该玩这些 You are too old for this to be the type of fun that you ar


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