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英语简单短笑话带翻译(2篇) 英语简单短笑话带翻译1 分享 As the mother of three small children born two years apart, I'm often very tired in the evening. Their father and I have set strict rules that after stories,prayers, one drink and the bathroom scene,they must go to bed and stay there. 作为一个每隔两年生一个小孩,现已是三个小孩的母亲,我到晚止时常感列精疲力尽。他们的父亲和我给孩子们订下严格的规定:讲完故事、祈祷、喝水、上厕所之后,他们必须马上上床睡觉。不许再干别的事。 One night,after a particularly trying day,all three were finally tucked in and I headed to the kitchen for some cookies,milk and solitude. I had just started to relax when I was surrounded by three little people,standing there watching me eat. Turning to their father I asked,“Do we relent or stick with the rules?" 一天晚上,经过了一番努力,三个孩子终于钻进了被窝。我来到了厨房想吃点饼干,喝点牛奶,独自呆一会儿。我刚想放松一下,就被二个孩子团团围住。他们站在那儿盯着我吃东西.我转向他们的`父亲问:“我们还要不要遵守规定了?” Our three-year-old piped up,”Stick with the rules,Mom. " 我们三岁的小孩说:“妈妈,还是坚持按规定做吧!” Knowing she didn't really want to be sent back to bed,I asked,"And what are the rules,Mellisa?" 我知道她不想去睡觉,就问:“玛丽莎,那么规定是怎么说的呢?” "Share with one another,"she replied. “有福同享。”她回答说。 英语简单短笑话带翻译2 只能一辆! After retirement,our friends Jim and Evelyn began traveling around the United States in a motor home,towing their pact sedan behind. While driving through a shopping mall parking lot in New York,they were pleased when a motorist stopped his vehicle and signaled them through. 我的朋友吉姆和依娃林退休后,开始用他们的家庭式旅行车进行环美旅行。他们在旅行车后面还施着一辆小桥车备用。在经过纽约一家商店的停车场时,一个骑摩托的小伙子很礼貌地停下来示意让他们先过。这令他们很高兴。 Seconds later,they were jolted to a stop by a loud crash behind them. To their amazement,the polite motorist had demolished their car. 几秒钟后,就听后边咔的一声巨响,他们停了车一看,那个小伙于把他们的小桥车给撞了。 His explanation:"I didn't mind letting you nice folks by,but I didn't want that pact car to sneak through too." 他的解释是这样的:“我不介意让你们这对好人通过,但我不想让那辆小轿车也跟着溜过去。”


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