hello China 31-40语法填空-高考英语二轮复习.docxVIP

hello China 31-40语法填空-高考英语二轮复习.docx

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PAGE PAGE 1 31 Spring Festival and its colorful traditions Spring Festival, Chun Jie is the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar. ___________ Chun Jie is approaching, people are busy purchasing good, cleaning the house, cooking traditional food, ___________(make) Spring Festival couplets, and hanging spring festival pictures. Having ___________ family dinner is the main activity on Chun Jie. Dumplings are essential ___________ the dinner. Dumplings represent reunion and goodwill. The whole family gathers ___________(enjoy) quality family time. One Chun Jie, Lunar New Year’s Day people in new clothes visit each other, and give money to kids to send good wishes. During Chun Jie holidays all kinds of celebrations ___________(hold), including temple fairs, performances, an Lantern exhibitions ___________ lasts nearly half a month. 31:When, making, a, to, to enjoy, are held, which 32 Qingming Festival The Qing Ming festival is a day of reverence for Chinese. People hold ceremonies for ancestors, and sweep their tombs ___________ April 5th every year. According to tradition , during the Tomb Sweeping, people put food in front of the ___________(tomb) and add new soil on the tomb. Decorate the tombs ___________ some fresh branches and knock head. A traditional Chinese painting ___________(name) Riverside Scene on the Qing Ming festival, drawn nine hundred years ago, shows the prosperous atmosphere ___________ activities on that day. People returned from Tomb Sweeping with houses and packages in the picture. Now it is a public holiday in China. ___________ ceremonies have changed a little with time. Chinese still express their grief for the deceased. 32: on, tombs, with, named, and, Although 33 Dragon Boat Festival and its tragic origins In ancient time, there was a great poet called Qu Yuan. He couldn’t bear the anguish ___________ his mother land was invaded, so he drowned ___________(he) in the river. Local residents rode boats to salvage and drop the rice


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