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Abstract Hanlin academy is the most representative Central Secretariat in ancient times. It sprouted in Han Dynasty, developed rapidly after Tang Dynasty, and matured in Ming and Qing Dynasty.The continuous development of the three periods has formed a more perfect Secretary System of Hanlin.At the beginning of Ming Dynasty, the Imperial Academy experienced the reform in Hongwu Period, Jianwen period and Yongle period, and its construction was basically mature.The distribution of personnel functions is scientific and the organizational structure is reasonable;The combination of talent selection and training with the imperial examination system has improved the comprehensive quality of officials; the implementation of the talent saving system and the transformation of functions to tap talent potential.At the beginning of Ming Dynasty, the three aspects of evolution and innovation of Hanlin Academy had Enlightenment on the development of modern secretary industry. Aiming at the problems of low efficiency, uneven quality of talents and weak follow-up development of secretaries, we can carry out reform from the aspects of streamlining the organization, improving the selection, storage and education system, and innovation function distribution and transformation to promote the development of secretary industry. 2 第 1 章 绪论 1.1 研究起源 秘书是一个起综合辅助作用的岗位,秘书人员遍布各个行业。时代不断的发展与进步, 各行各业对秘书机构的组织架构和重要作用有了新的认识,对秘书从业人员的综合素质也 提出了更高的要求。我国秘书行业发展虽然日渐成熟,但在培训选拔、机构设置和人才储 备方面与国外相比仍然存在不少缺陷,外国学者还曾做出“中国秘书,名不副实”的评价。 中国历史上存在较成熟的秘书制度,翰林院制度即其中之一,完善的


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