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Unit 2 ENG Mode Section 1 Color camera Ii. Classification 4. Integration Single unit machine Non-separable type Separable type * Unit 2 ENG Mode Section 1 Color camera Ii. Classification 5. Hard disk type Record at any time Delete anytime Advanced recording (cyclic recording) * Unit 2 ENG Mode Section 1 Color camera Three, CCD camera characteristics 1. Negative gain Common gain gears: -6db/-3db/0db/3db/6db /9db/12db/18db 24db/30db/36db * Three, CCD camera characteristics1. Negative gainConditions for using positive gain: The image cannot be seen clearly if the illumination or brightness is insufficient, the light cannot be illuminated, and the aperture is at its maximum.Effect: The image can be seen, but the clutter is increased and the signal-to-noise ratio is reduced. * Three, CCD camera characteristics1. Negative gainConditions for using negative gain: Able to shoot normally.Effect: Improved signal-to-noise ratio. * Three, CCD camera characteristics 2. Electronic shutter: Improved dynamic clarity 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500 1/1000, 1/2000, 1/4000, 1/8000 In what case? Shooting objects moving at high speed; Shoot to do variable motion picture; Shoot special requested footage. * Three, CCD camera characteristics 2. Electronic shutter: Continuous electronic shutter: Clear scan function. Shooting computer screen, can be the picture no flicker raceway. 1/50.3-1/201.4 * Three, CCD camera characteristics4, black extension/dark part extension function: Only increase the brightness of the dark parts5. Automatic level control/extended electronic aperture: Continuous automatic shooting in any light6. Set recording function: Correct alignment when re-recording * Three, CCD camera characteristics7. Parameter memory card: Technical application: Set parametersProgram Application: Color bias...8. Comprehensive menu: Technical personnelProgram application * Support line scanning function (25PsF) Improve picture clarit


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