外研版(2019)高中英语必修第二册 学案Unit3_阅读导读备课资料.docx

外研版(2019)高中英语必修第二册 学案Unit3_阅读导读备课资料.docx

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PAGE2 / NUMPAGES2 Unit?3?阅读导读备课资料 I How to Keep Score in a Game of Table Tennis 导读: 乒乓球,英语官方名称是“table tennis”,即“桌上网球”。乒乓球因其打击时发出“Ping Pang”的声音而得名。乒乓球是一种世界流行的球类体育项目,包括进攻、对抗和防守。比赛分团体、单打、双打、混双等数种;2001年9月1日前以21分为一局,现以11分为一局;采用五局三胜,七局四胜。 乒乓球是我国的国球。中国在乒乓球历史上占有很高的地位,20世纪60年代以来,中国选手取得世界乒乓球比赛的大部分冠军,甚至多次包揽整个赛事的所有冠军。 When you are playing ping pong, or table tennis, in your home, you can make up your own rules and keep score any way you like. But when you play in a competition that follows the International Table Tennis Federation rules and regulations, you need to know the rules for keeping score correctly. It is not uncommon for matches in local competitions to have no umpires, and the players must umpire and keep the score themselves. Before the Match Starts To prepare, get the match score sheet and a pen or pencil. Don’t wait until the end of the match to write down he scores, or you may not be able to remember them all. It also helps to check the score sheet to make sure that you have the correct opponent and are playing on the correct able. Next, check to see if a match is a best of five or seven games (these are the most common by far, although any odd number of games can be used). Note on the score sheet which player serves first. Score Rules Each player gets to serve for two points in a row, and then the other player has to serve. You are not allowed to give the serve away and choose to receive all the time, even if both players agree. When serving, you must follow the rules for a legal serve, and hit the ball so that it touches your side of the table once, then bounces over or around the net, and then touches your opponent's side of the table. There is no limit on how many lets you can serve in a row. Returning the Ball If you are playing doubles, you must serve the ball diagonally so that it bounces first in the right half of your side of the table, goes over or around the net, and then bounces in the right half of your opponents’ side of the table. Your opponen


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