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猪场中常用到的英语专业术语 一、不同阶段的猪专业词汇 boar (公猪) gilt (后备母猪) sow (经产母猪) piglet(乳猪):特指尚没有断奶的小猪,国内称为仔猪的实际上包括未断奶的和已经断奶的, 分别称为“哺乳仔猪”和 “断奶仔猪”,用“仔培猪”这样的名称更是少见。 weaning (断奶) weaner (断奶猪):断奶后的猪只——一般是 18-24 日龄直到30 公斤。 Pre-starter (断奶前仔猪) Starte (断奶仔猪) grower (生长猪):指大于30 公斤的猪只——也称为feeder pig。 finisher (育成猪):指大于 60 公斤的猪只,故称为肥育猪或育肥猪是不恰当的。 mummified piglet (木乃伊猪):在怀孕期间死亡的胎儿以木乃伊的状态被产出。有些文献 上称“产木乃伊”是不正确的,应该是“产木乃伊胎”。 Yorkshire 大白 Duroc 杜洛克 Hampshire 汉普夏 Landrace 长白 Farrow to wean 出生到断奶 Wean to feeder 断奶到育肥 Farrow to feeder 出生到育肥 Feeder to finish 育肥到育成 Farrow to finish 出生到育成 二、养繁殖中常用专业词汇 farrowing (产仔):母猪产小猪的过程-即分娩(parturition)。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ≥ 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe di≤ 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expgap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shellwall temperature of environment temperature ≤ 40 ° c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. appearance c


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