Unit4ReadingandThinking 高中英语人教版选择性必修 第二册.pptx

Unit4ReadingandThinking 高中英语人教版选择性必修 第二册.pptx

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·;Prediction: What can you get from the title? ① ② ③ ④ ;Para 1: ① Who are the two characters? ② What did they do? ③ Why did they do? ④ How did they do? ;Travel Journal;;Discourse markers;Group- cooperation: Read the passage again to find out discourse markers.;Homework: Level A: To retell the passage using appropriate discourse markers. Level B: To write one travel journal along China’s silk road, according to what we have learned.;Exercise: Li Daiyu and Liu Qian decided to travel across Canada for visiting their cousin by train,_①_(而不是)by plane. Vancouver was their first stop when they got in Canada, and they spend a c_②_of days in the city. _③_ the first day, _④__ it rained, they took a boat ride out into a bay and landed on an island; the next day, it was clear and mild, they saw beautiful mountains and took a pleasure__⑤_(远足) in a forest. _⑥__(leave) Vancouver, they arrived at Lake Louise __⑦_the blue water literally took their _⑧_(breathe) away and _⑨__(之后) they got to Jasper by coach. They saw many an___⑩_ scenery and s_?_ mountain peaks. One h__?_of their trip was being able to see many different creatures. From Jasper, they headed towards Toronto, passing through Edmonton, the Great Canadian Prairie and at last they landed on the territory of Ontario, where everything__?_(confirm) Autumn___?_(arrived) in the country. On the fourth day when they woke up, they finally reached the capital of Ontario, Toronto.


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