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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 7 页 牛津译林版(2020)高中英语必修第一册各单元作文素材积累 Unit 1 Back to school 一、名言警句 1. 孔子说,学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 Just as Confucius wisely said, “Study without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without study ends in puzzlement.” 2. 老子说,千里之行,始于足下。 Just as Lao-Tzu wisely said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a simple step.” 3. 爱因斯坦说,“如果你想过幸福的生活,就把它和目标联系起来。” Albert Einstein said, “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal.” 二、应用文素材 1. 鼓励别人勇敢面对挑战 你面前的道路通向一个充满挑战的新世界。然而,对于那些有着积极心态的人而言,机会在于每一个挑战。当你勇于面对挑战的时候,你将有机会掌握大量的知识,并享受个人的成长。最重要的是,你付出的时间和努力会为你叩开潜能的大门。 The path before you leads to a world full of challenges. However, for those with a positive mind, opportunity lies in each challenge. When you rise to each challenge, you will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge and enjoy personal growth. Most importantly, your time and effort will open the door to your potential. 2. 鼓励别人持之以恒 正如老子的至理名言所说,千里之行,始于足下。你需要持之以恒地去训练自己的头脑、培养自己的品格。老师和家人会帮助你学习,成长,但是你自己才是实现自身潜能的责任人。相信自己,竭尽所能,让我们为你自豪吧! Just as Lao-Tzu wisely said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a simple step.” You need to make a continuous effort to train your mind and develop your character. Your teachers and parents will help you learn and grow, yet you alone are responsible for realizing your potential. Be confident, do your best and make us proud! 3. 设立目标的好处 正如爱因斯坦所说,如果你想过幸福的生活,就把它与目标联系起来。设立目标给你生活中的一个关注点,帮助你决定将来你想得到什么成就。设立目标也帮助你形成好习惯。为了实现你的目标,你需要有一个好的计划,管理好你的时间并注意细节。 Albert Einstein said, “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal.” Setting goals gives you a focus in life and helps decide what you want to achieve in the future. Setting goals also helps develop good habits. To realize your goals, you need to have a good plan, manage your time well and pay attention to details. Unit 2 Let’s talk teens 一、名言警句 1. 冰心说,我不知道家是什么,但不快乐和烦恼一旦到了那里就会消失。 Just as Bing Xin said, “I don’t know what home is, but unhappiness and worries melt away once there.” 2. 成长是一段坎坷的旅程。 Growing up is


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