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>>Presentation Listen and point. When there is a test at school, how do you feel? I am always really cool. Because my mascots write for me. I feel easy. I feel free. >>Practice Make sentences. There are 3 pink elephants on the desk. There is a ring on the desk. There are 6 blue elephants on the chair. There is an elephant on the wardrobe. >>Practice Pairwork. In picture A there are 3 pink elephants on the desk. In picture B there are 2 pink elephants on the desk. In picture A there is a ring on the desk. In picture B there is a necklace on the desk. >>Summary 本节课学习的吉祥物名称: ring shells friendship band soft toys necklace silver bells >>Summary There be 句型: 表达某地有某物 There is + 单数名词+地点 There are + 复数名词+地点 >>Homework 1. 登陆优教同步学习网,听课本第14页1部分录音3遍。 2. 读英语故事书10-20分钟。 3. 展示你的吉祥物照片到班级空间。 close * * * Join In 五年级上册 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 Unit2 Mascots 第1课时 Part1, 2 >>Lead-in Let’s learn. mascots >>Presentation Free talk. Have you got a mascot? If you have a mascot, what is it? >>Presentation Listen to the song. What are the mascots? >>Presentation Let’s learn. What is the mascot? ring >>Presentation Let’s learn. What are the mascots? shells >>Presentation Let’s learn. What is the mascot? friendship band >>Presentation Let’s learn. What are the mascots? silver bells >>Presentation Let’s learn. What is the mascot? necklace >>Presentation Let’s learn. What are the mascots? soft toys >>Presentation Listen and point. Where are the mascots? There are mascots everywhere. My room is full of mascots. There are mascots in my wardrobe/on my chair. Join In 五年级上册 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版标题样式 * * *


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