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参考材料 《目视系统》,Gwendolyn D. Galsworth 著(AMACOM 1997 年出版) 《目视化管理下的工厂:通过共享信息逐步参与》,Michel Greif 著(生产率出版社,1991 年出版) 《操作工 5S : 目视化管理下工作场所的 5 个支柱》,平野博之著(生产率出版社,1996 年出版) * Footnote Source: Source * 第二十九页,共三十二页。 * 第三十页,共三十二页。 * 第三十一页,共三十二页。 内容总结 目视管理。This report is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval from McKinsey Company. This material was used by McKinsey Company during an oral presentation。+ / -。30 第三十二页,共三十二页。 Clearly showing the identity of all things is the the most basic element of visual management. This simple, yet highly effective element assures that no waste in time, travel, or processing occur due to a lack of clarity about the identity of any item The second element of visual management involves clearly displaying the location of all things. This element eliminates confusion that often leads to wasteful excessive transport and travel The third element of visual management involves displaying the current status key elements of a facility. This assures that all current waste is clearly presented to all, greatly increasing the chance that problems will be addressed promptly. The visual management system should be considered a support tool for quickly making the correct decisions. Bearing in mind the complexity of activities on the shop floor (number of persons, different organizational levels, time available to correct deviations, number of process variables, ...) the lack of a decentralized system and of simple understanding may compromise the speed and quality of actions taken The fourth element of visual management involves visually communicating all critical processes, procedures, and standards. Adhering to a good standard process assures work is done in a way that minimizes waste . . . this element helps assure that standards are communicated and followed An excellent way to quickly communicate a broad range


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