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第四部分 皮内针疗法 Chapter4 Intradermal Acupuncture Therapy 汇报人: CONTENTS 皮内针治疗概述 Brief introduction of Intradermal Acupuncture Therapy 皮内针疗法又称为埋针疗法,是将特制的针具刺入、固定在患者皮内作较长时间留针,并在留针的过程中给予规律性按压刺激,起到持续刺激作用的一种疗法。 Intradermal acupuncture, also known as needle-embedding therapy, is a therapy that a special needle is inserted into intracutaneous and required to retain for a specific duration, and apply pressure regularly to acquire a lasting simulation. 2.皮内针治疗概述 Brief introduction of Intradermal Acupuncture Therapy 皮内针是在古代刺法的基础上,于20世纪60年代发展起来的。在临床运用中具有疗效好、操作方便、痛苦小、便于患者活动的特点,适用于新型冠状病毒肺炎的预防与辅助治疗。 Intradermal needle therapy was developed in the 1960s based on ancient Chinese acupuncture modality. With the characteristics of efficacy, easy to apply, less pain, convenient to patient’s daily activities, intradermal acupuncture can be used for COVID-19 prevention and as an adjunct treatment. 1.皮内针治疗概述 Brief introduction of Intradermal Acupuncture Therapy 物品准备 Materials 操作需要准备物品:一次性无菌皮内针(揿针)、皮肤消毒喷雾或75%的乙醇或1%~2%碘伏和消毒棉签。 The following items are required for intradermal acupuncture therapy including disposable sterile intradermal needles, dermal sterilization spray, 75% alcohol or 1%-2% iodophor and sterilized cotton bud. 2.用于预防的推荐方案 Guidelines for COVID-19 Prevention 2.1穴位处方:肺俞、肾俞、足三里 2.1 Acupoints Prescription Feishu (BL 13) Shenshu (BL 23) Zusanli (ST 36) 2.用于预防的推荐方案 Guidelines for COVID-19 Prevention 2.2 皮内针取用方法 取用皮内针时,拆开包装,撕开密封纸,用拇指和食指挟紧其中一半剥离纸和胶布, 用另一手的食指挑起并从塑料容器中取出皮内针 2.2 Removing Intradermal Needle from Package Remove the cover seal from the plastic package and fold back the package. Then remove the needle from the package along with the white tab. 2.用于预防的推荐方案 Guidelines for COVID-19 Prevention 2.3 取穴及操作 肺俞:在脊柱区,第3胸椎棘突下,后正中线旁开1.5寸。 肾俞:在脊柱区,第2腰椎棘突下,后正中线旁开1.5寸。 足三里:在小腿外侧,犊鼻穴下3寸,犊鼻与解溪连线上。 2.3 Locating Acupoint and Manipulation Feishu (BL 13):On the spinal region, 1.5 cun lateral t


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