For All Mankind《为了全人类》第三季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

For All Mankind《为了全人类》第三季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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乔伊娜克西击败苏联选手伊琳娜贝洛娃Joyner-Kersee won gold over Soviet Irina Belova 在昨晚的比赛中赢得金牌in last nights race. 在休斯敦人们就北极星酒店灾难And in Houston, more questions are being asked 和地球轨道上悲惨的人员伤亡事件in the wake of the Polaris hotel disaster 提出了更多疑问and the tragic deaths that occurred in Earth orbit. 航♥天♥局发誓将全面调查NASA has vowed a full investigation 并审查其平安认证流程and review of its safety certification process, 同时国会中有人♥质♥疑航♥天♥局缺乏监管while some in Congress are questioning NASA's lack of oversight. 请你把它关掉行吗Can you please turn that off? -悲剧让公众质疑…?是女士-The tragedy has left the public asking- - Yes, ma'am. (赫利俄斯航♥天♥公♥司♥和戴夫阿耶萨发起能源革命) 鲍德温女士Ms. Baldwin. 感谢你大老远来到这里Thank you for coming all the way out here. 没什么Sure. 我???很遗憾听到山姆的事I am- I'm truly sorry about Sam. 谢谢Thank you. 你们两位共同创立了很了不起的事业You two built something amazing together. 所以我才请你来这里It's why I asked you here. 这还不够吗Is it not enough? 不是你很慷慨No, it's very generous. 如此慷慨不禁让我好奇背后的原因So generous it makes me wonder why. -Go. Get out of here. - How I might never see you again. 嘿闭嘴马上闭嘴Hey! Stop it, right now. Stop it! 够了Thats enough! 天啊我以为你已经忘了这一切Jesus, I thought that you moved beyond all of this! 我努力了I tried. 你不知道我有多努力You don't know how hard I tried. 行了我不想再说一遍了Okay, well, I'm not going through it again. 你再也不许在半夜给我打电♥话♥You're not gonna start calling me in the middle of the night again 喝得醉醺醺地出现在我家 and showing up at my house drunk. 不能这样了明白吗It's not gonna happen, okay? 你必须向前走You have to move on. 拜托Please. 那是个专笥吴明白吗我很抱歉It was a mistake, okay? I'm sorry. 那本来绝不应该发生It never should have happened. 是因为爰德吗Is it because of Ed? 什么What? 我看见你们俩在婚礼上的样子了I saw the way you both were at the wedding. 我简直不敢相信你要跟那个混♥蛋♥复合I can't believe you're gonna get back with that son of a bitch. 天啊丹尼Oh, my God, Danny. 他对你对所有人那么盛气凌人The way he talks down to you, to everyone, 好像他是上帝送给世界的礼物似的like he's God's gift to this world or something. 丹尼这和爱德没有任何关系Danny, this has nothing to do with Ed. 根本没有好吗Nothing! Okay?



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