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精品文档 精心整理 精品文档 可编辑的精品文档 课题 Unit 1 Great explorations 课型 Writing 备课时间 1 Period 教 材 分 析 教学目标 To learn about Magellan- the great explorer. Master the skills of wrtiting a famous travel writer. 教学重点 the skills of wrtiting a famous travel writer 教学难点 the skills of wrtiting a famous travel writer. 教学关键 Form a good habit of writing. 教法与学法指导 Self-study, Cooperation 教学环节 主要教学步骤或内容 学生主体活动 教师活动 设计意图 时间 分配 第一环节 阅读了解麦哲伦的生平和历史功绩 Step I: Warming up Reading 1. Read the article about Magellan. Answer the questions: 1) When was Magellan born? 2) What nationality was Magellan? 3) What did he do in 1519? 4) Did Magellan finish his voyage? Why? 5) How many ships went back to Portugal at the end of the voyage? 1. Help students answer the questions correctly. In this way, enable students to get a better understanding of Magellan’s experiences. 1. To train their reading ability and the ability of getting information. 6 第二环节  完成介绍James Turner的作文 StepⅡ: writing 2 .Read questions in Part A and the answers of James Turner. Then match the questions with answers. Role-play. S A acts as a reporter, S B acts as James Turner. 4. Finish the writing aording to the dialogue. 2. Ask the students to do the match. 3 Ask students to do the role-play. 4. Guide ss to finish the writing. 2. To train ss’ ability of observation. 3. To help students get the experiences of James Turner. 4. To consolidate what ss’ve learned about James Turner.. 6 10 6 第三环节 课堂练习 Step Ⅲ: practice Students work in groups and write a passage aording to the teacher’s instruction .Then their partner check their work, after the presentation. 7 第四环节 课时小结 Step4. development Improve ss’ work and rewrite them. Help ss to develop their work in words, sentence and structure. Let ss improve the writing. 5 第五环节 课后作业 Write a passage aording to the teacher’s instruction. 课 堂 教 学 流 程 Reading→ Role-play→ Writing→ practice→ development. 效 果 评 价 与 反 思



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