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耶鲁大学校长彼得·萨洛维 耶鲁大学校长2022毕业典礼演讲 2022届的毕业生们,家人、朋友和同事们。 Graduates of the Class of 2022, family members, friends, and colleagues. 在我开始之前,我想说这是你们的院长,马文·春,在他回到教师队伍之前,最后一次拿到学士学位。 Before I get started, I want to mention that this is the last baccalaureate at least in his present role for your Dean, Marvin Chun, before he returns to the faculty. 我在想我们能否对他过去五年的服务表达一点感激之情。 And I’m wondering if we could all show him just a little bit of gratitude for his service these last five years. 他不会走远的。 He’s not going far away. 因此,今天和你们在一起是一件特别高兴的事。因为能够亲自为我的毕业生庆祝,这一天变得更加有意义。 So it is a special pleasure to be here with you today, a day made doubly meaningful by our ability to celebrate our graduates in person. 我很高兴欢迎大家参加新冠肺炎大流行以来耶鲁大学的首次校园毕业典礼。 And I am delighted to welcome you to Yale’s first on-campus Baccalaureate ceremony since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. 在三年的中断之后,我想恢复耶鲁的一项优良传统: And after a three-year hiatus, there is a wonderful Yale tradition that I would like to reinstitute: 我想请今天在场的所有家人和朋友起立,表彰2022届优秀的毕业生们。 May I ask all the families and friends here today to rise and recognize the outstanding – and graduating – members of the Class of 2022? 谢谢你!现在,我想请2022届的毕业生们回想一下所有支持你们到达这一里程碑的人,请起立并认可他们。 Thank you! And now, may I ask the Class of 2022 to consider all those who have supported your arrival at this milestone, and to please rise and recognize them? 谢谢你!我们今天的兴奋被全球动荡冲淡了。 Thank you!Our excitement today is tempered by global turbulence. 我们可以看到世界各地冲突和危机的危险。 We can see the perils of conflict and crisis around the world. 然而,当我望向这个庭院时,我也看到了那些做好充分准备来改善我们共同未来的人的承诺。 And yet, as I look out onto this courtyard, I can also see the promise of those well prepared to better our collective future. 老校园重新充满了毕业生们的无限潜力,他们为人们带来了希望。 Old Campus is filled anew with the boundless potential of graduates who offer cause for hope. 在这个周末以及与之相关的周末,全国各地的高校校长都在鼓励他们的毕业生,告诉他们,他们已经接受了最好的教育,作为受过教育的成年人,他们现在准备走出去,让世界变得更美好。 Throughout the country on this weekend and those weekends surrounding it, presidents o



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