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完形填空 解题指导;;;;讲述了作者住酒店时,香肠招来海鸥的故事。;叙述了作者做护士期间遇到一个女病人,发生的故事。;讲述了作者勤劳吃苦,暑期打工的故事。;;动词(8题) 动作线(动作链)--逻辑关系 P1. worked… P2. 41 little bunny cakes 45 minimum wage see how a factory 46 P3. place—attach—apply— 49 P4. 54 53 55;动词短语辨析 独立主格(37) 所有词组都是在具体语境中设题。;;【1】速读全文,把握大意 (1)关注文章首句和尾句; (2)初选出部分题目答案。;【2】瞻前顾后,先易后难 (1)先解决简单题,遇到没有把握的,暂时跳过。 (2)仔细推敲,着眼好3个点:句内层次、句组层次、语篇层次;关注上下文和语境。;【3】全文贯通,调整答案 (1)进一步通读全文,核实所选答案是否合乎逻辑,上下文是否连贯。 (2)检查语法、词汇、惯用法等。;;;例1. Then a gardener named Bill moved in. Bill was a neat, hard-working and patient man who started working in the garden as soon as he settled in the street…Attracted by the ____ , the neighbors walked by and admired the newly manicured(修整的) garden. A. office clerk B. fashion designer C. landscape gardener D. street cleaner 例2. Over the loudspeakers, we were told the plane was ready to leave and were asked to walk out to it. Everybody moved quickly in order to get the seats they wanted. I was unable to get a seat near the tail, but the plane looked strong inside than it did from outside. I fastened my seat belt before we took off and tried to forget my nervousness. After an hour’s flying I noticed black clouds ahead through my window. My ______ immediately returned. A. sadness B. forgetfulness C. nervousness D. excitement; 例1. To turn professional, people find it critical to develop a personal style. What makes your paintings __44__ among other paintings out there? Are your paintings standing out unmistakably directed to you as the creator? (上海市2019届高三一模) 44. A. unique B. superior C. practical D. reliable 例2. When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say “sorry, wrong number!” and move on. But when Dennis Williams __42__ a text that clearly wasn’t intended for him, he did something special. (2018年全国III卷) 42. A. received B. translated C. copied D. printed;例1. We all know that some things are obviously right. For example, it is right to be kind to oth



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