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入场须知: 摆放区域:前台 本俱乐部禁止吸烟。 Smoking is not permitted in the club. 未经许可,禁止拍照、摄像。 Photos and video footage are not allowed without specific permission. 十四岁以下的人不得进入训练区域。 People under 14 years old are not allowed to enter the training area. 除了会员、员工,任何人进入本俱乐部必须在前台作登记。 New guests must register at the front desk upon entering the club. 初次来本俱乐部的人,必须在健身顾问的陪同下才能参观。 New Guests must be accompanied by a Bally’s FC during the first visit. 本俱乐部为公共场所,请会员管理好自己的随身物品,不要将贵重物品及大量现金带入俱乐部,所有的财务遗失本俱乐部将不负任何的责任。 Our club is a public area, so please take care of your own belongings. Do not bring precious goods and / or lots of cash to the club. We take no responsibility for lost personal items. 为了您的健身安全,请十四岁以下的儿童和有心脑血管疾病,贫血,血压高,低血糖等患者不要使用跑步机。 For health and safety reasons, children under 14 years old, and guests with anemia, hypertension, or hypoglycemia are not permitted to the treadmills. 请大家爱护俱乐部内一切设施,正常使用各种器械,如果您有什么问题可以咨询我们的健身顾问或私人教练。 Please take good care of all the club facilities. Please use the exercise equipment safely, and if you have any questions please consult an FC or personal trainer. 本俱乐部桑拿房开放时间为17:00——21:00,同时希望会员们在使用桑拿之前,认真阅读有关的注意事项。 Our club’s sauna room is open at 17:00pm—21:00pm. Please read the relevant safety notices posted outside the sauna and steam rooms before entering. Safety Regulations of Spinning Bike Studio 动 感 单 车 操 厅 使 用 须 知 Please do not enter studio without any permition during the day, and not allow you to turn on any electronic equipment 非上课时间请勿独自使用本操厅及动用音响和灯光设备 Not allow to step in when the class has been started after 10 minetes 课程开始10分钟后请勿入内 Adjust bike and ensure the bike seat, handle bar and shoe cages are tighted up before starting any exercises. 运动前,先调节并确定车把、车座和鞋套已安全固定好并扭紧 Always keeping up with reisistance 不要在无阻力的情况下运动 Always bring the bottle of water and exercise tower with you 每节课都须带瓶装水和运动毛巾 Immediatly stop if you feel uncomforable and dizness 如感到不适和眩晕,应立即停止运动 Safely use spinning bike regarding trainer’instruction。 Be proberly operating eve


gondolaaaa + 关注




