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? 39. 上海是亚洲最大的城市之一。 40. 这本书比那一本更有趣。 41. 我的书包比你的重。 42. 他跑得越来越快。 43. 我越想越高兴。 Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in Asia. This book is more interesting than that one. He was running faster and faster. My school bag is heavier than yours. The more I think of it , the happier I am. ? 44. 冬天北方比南方冷。 45. 李平说话不象你那样快。 46. 历史和地理一样有趣,但比地理难。 47. 我们对英语越来越感兴趣。 In winter, it is colder in the north than in the south. Lie Ping doesnt speak so fast as you. We are becoming more and more interested in English. History is as interesting as geography, but it is more difficult than? geography. 翻译练习四 动词 ???英语中动词的诸多变化是我们中文所没有的。从初一年级的 I am, you are, he is, she is, we are, you are, they are 到后来的动词的时态,语态, 助动词,疑问句式,以至于到高中的语气,非谓语动词等,都是中文里没有的语言现象。我们与英语动词整整纠缠了六年,到现在还能见到全篇都是原形动词的作文。这全因为我们没有要重视动词形式的意识,没养成正确的表达习惯。让我们在高考前赶快补上这一课吧。 48. 桌子又四条腿。? 49. 桌子上有四本书。 50. 他天天洗衣服吗? 不,他通常隔天洗衣服。 51. 这几天我在看一本有趣的小说。 52. 他从来不说谎。 The table has four legs. There are four books on the desk. Does he wash his clothes every day? No.? He usually washes his clothes every other day. I am reading an interesting novel these days. He never tells a lie. 53. 我们每周上四节英语课。现在我们正在上英语课。 54. 你们上星期忙吗?? 不,不忙。 55. 昨天下午妈妈跟我的英语老师谈了话。 56. 上周三几位外国朋友来我校,他们与我们班每个人握了手。 We have four English lessons every week. ???Now, we are having our English lesson. Were you busy last week?? No, we werent. My mother talked with my English teacher yesterday evening. Several foreign friends came to our school last Wednesday. 57. 今天下午我们将有节地理课。 58. 我放学后要去看一部新影片。 59. 五十七年前毛主席在这个房间里住过。 We shall have a geography class this afternoon. I am going to see a new film after school. Chairman Mao lived in this room fifty-seven years ago 翻译练习五 主谓一致 英语要求句子的主语和谓语在人称与数量上保持一致,即主谓一致。而中文没有这种要求,中国人没有这种习惯。这正是我们讲英语,写英语时要注意的地方。 87. 他们一家人身体都很健康。 88. 房间里除了两把椅子外,没找到别的东西。 89. 一半的马匹跑掉了。 90. 已经过去了一半的时间。 His family are all well. Nothing but two chairs was found in the room. There is nothing but two chairs in the room. Half of the horses have run away. H


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