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【版本:人教 册别:必修三】;;; “Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of starship Enterprise, her ongoing mission: to _________ strange new worlds, to seek out _______________________ and civilsations, to boldly(勇敢地) go where no man has gone before.” ——James Kirk ;Rocket;Let’s read a passage about the development of space exploration (P40-41);Before you read, look at the title and the photos. ;;Task 1: Several sentences have been removed from the text. Choose the correct sentences [A-D] to fill each gap. (P40);B;D. After many experiments, they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earth's gravity.;A;C;;;People have always wanted to learn more about ______, they make _______ to carry brave people into space: to ________ the secrets of the universe hope to discover other planets that are ________ enough to support life;Time;;Para. 4;Para. 5;Para 2. Achievements of American and Soviet;;Retelling;What is the importance of carrying on space exploration?;contribute to many new inventions help gain scarce resources(稀缺资源) from other planets promote the development of high technology discover other planets that are suitable to support life ...;News link;NASA will allow private citizens to stay at the International Space Station (ISS) for month-long getaways (短假) at a cost of about $35,000 per night, the U.S. space agency said on Friday. … NASA will allow up to two private trips to the station per year, each lasting up to 30 days, NASA said. The first mission could be as early as 2020. But the ride won’t be cheap. NASA estimated (估计) the cost of a flight would be around $50 million per seat. In addition, NASA will charge visitors for food, storage and communication once at the station. … NASA officials also said opening the door to private enterprise gives the agency more room to focus on the Trump administration’s goal of returning to the moon by 20



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