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本科毕业设计(论文) 摘要 目前国内使用的破碎机类型很多,主要有鄂式破碎机、锤式破碎机、圆锥破碎机、反击式破碎机和辊式破碎机。复摆式颚式破碎机与简摆式相比较,其优点是:质量较轻, 构件较少,结构更紧凑,破碎腔内充满程度较好,所装物料块受到均匀破碎,加以动颚下端强制性推出成品卸料,故生产率较高,比同规格的简摆颚式破碎机的生产率高出20-30%;物料块在动颚下部有较大的上下翻滚运动,容易呈立方体的形状卸出,减少了像简摆式产品中那样的片状成分,产品质量较好。 本设计需求参数为进料口尺寸:620×900mm;最大进料粒度:340mm;处理能力:4~ 10m3/h;偏心轴转速:275r/min;排料口调整范围: 40~100mm;电动机功率:30KW。设计分析了破碎机的发展现状和研究颚式破碎机的意义及复摆颚式破碎机机构尺寸对 破碎性能的影响,计算确定了 PE400×600 的机构参数,设计内容主要包括复摆颚式破碎机的动颚、偏心轴、皮带轮、动颚齿板、定颚齿板、机架等一些重要部件;另外,对颚式破碎机的工作原理及特点和主要部件的作用作了介绍,包括保险装置、调整装置、机架结构、润滑装置等;同时对机器的参数(主轴转速、生产能力、破碎力、功率等) 作了计算。此外,对破碎的意义、破碎工艺和破碎比的计算,颚式破碎机的主要部件的安装、操作及维修作了简单介绍。 关键词:复摆颚式破碎机 带传动 飞轮 磨损 ABSTRACT Currently ,the type of the crusher is multitudinous in domestic, mainly including jaw crusher, hammer crusher, cone crusher, impact breaker and roll crusher. Compared with fine impact crusher,SBM(swinging jaw break machine) ′s advantage is: quality is lighter, less compact structure component, broken lumen filled with degree is good, with materials by uniform broken, to block bottom mandatory move jaw is unloading, launch finished higher, than with specifications productivity of fine impact crusher 20-30% higher than the productivity; Material blocks in the lower have bigger jaws move up and down movement, a cube tumbling to the shape of, reducing the discharged as Jane tilting products that flake composition, product quality is better. This design is done for:the feeding port size is 400 x 600mm; Maximum feeding granularity is 340mm; Production efficiency is 4-10m 3/ h; Eccentric shaft speed is 275r/min; Discharging mouth adjustment range 40mm to 100mm; Motor power is30 KW. This design analysis of the current development of the crushier,the meanings of researching the crusher,how the dimensions of jaw crusher effect on the performance of the broken, calculate and determine the PE400 x 600 structure parameters, the design content mainly includes swing jaw, eccentric shaft, pulley, seing jaw gear plate, and settled jaw gear plate and frame and some other important componen


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