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1.请把精力集中在你正在做的事情上。 2.我们都很关注考试的结果。 3.他们左中得出结论,那就是你本不应该 未经允许拿走那个袋子。 4.自从那以来,他的身体状况就不好。 5.当取得进步时,我们会感觉更有信心。 6.昨天我被邀请去祝贺他们的婚礼。 ;7.他被认为发明了第一台电脑。 8.这个代表团(delegation)是由6个专家和 20个学生组成的。 9.如果你遇到难词,你可以查阅字典。 10.他们没有拒绝我;相反地,他们愉快地 接受了我的邀请。 11.这位著名科学家为中国的科学做出了巨大 贡献。 12.我正要出去这时天开始下雨。;13.地震之后,大量的受伤人员被送到了那个 医院。 14.(强调句式)直到他摘掉帽子我才认出他。 15.只要你坚持你的梦想,你迟早会实现它。 16.解决这个问题的关键是收集到足够的信息。 17.当我们走出沙漠时,水和食物已经用光了。 18.他进了一家饭馆,在那儿他得到了最好的 服务。;1.Please concentrate on what you are doing. 2.We are all concerned about the results of tests. 3.They came to a conclusion eventually that you shouldn’t have taken the bag without permission. 4.He has been in poor condition since then. 5.When we make progress , we’ll feel more confident. 6.Yesterday we were invited to congratulate him on his wedding. ;7.He is considered to have invented the first computer. 8.The delegation consists of 6 experts and 20 students. 9.If you come across difficult words, you can consult/refer to the dictionary / look them up in the dictionary. 10.They didn’t refuse me; on the contrary, they accepted my invitation pleasantly. 11.The famous scientist made great contributions to the science of China. 12.I was about to go when it started to rain.;;玩电脑游戏对身体有害。 Playing computer games does harm to/ is harmful to/ is bad for our health. 2. 他讨厌/不喜欢上课迟到。 He hates being late for class. 3. 为了保持健康,我们要多进行体育锻炼。 In order to keep healthy/ fit, we’d better take more exercise. 4. 在老师的帮助下,我取得了巨大的进步。 With the help of our teacher, I made much/ great progress. 5. 有这么多的作业要做,我不能出去玩了。 With so much homework to do, I can’t go our to play.;6. 不管他多么英俊,我都不会喜欢他。 However handsome he is/ No matter how handsome he is, I don’t love him. 7. 酒后驾车时违法的。 Drunk driving is illegal./ It is illegal to drive after drinking. 8. 我一到这座城市立刻就爱上了它。 I liked the city immediately I reached/ arrived at it. 9. 这本字典很有用,所以值得买。 This dictionary is of great use, which is worth buying./ This dictionary is of great use so that it is worth buying. 10. 网上购物对我们


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