丽声经典故事屋第七级Baba Yaga 芭芭亚加 教学设计.docx

丽声经典故事屋第七级Baba Yaga 芭芭亚加 教学设计.docx

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《丽声经典故事屋》(第七级) Baba Yaga 教学设计 一、教学目标 技能目标:学生在阅读中培养查找信息的能力;能够根据原文内容进行信息的推断和提取; 能够结合文本,学生对描述语言进行总结和提炼;能够逐渐形成visualize的阅读策略;通过重读深挖文本,学习和体会作者通过描写人物的行为、心理和语言来体现性格特点;结合自身经验对故事中的人物行为进行解释和预测;小组合作学习,能够简单评价行为的利弊。 语言目标:学生能够结合上下文猜测词义;能够结合故事理解更多词汇,并学习如何通过细节描写体现人物心理和性格;能够跟着录音朗读故事并体会人物的感情。 情感态度和价值目标:了解Baba Yaga的文化背景和人物形象,通过故事领悟善有善报恶有恶报的道理。 二、教学重点 能够根据原文内容进行信息的推断和提取。 能够结合文本,学生对描述语言进行总结和提炼。 学生能够结合上下文猜测词义。 三、教学难点 结合自身经验对故事中的人物行为进行解释和预测;能够对行为评价利弊。 能够找到作者刻画人物心情和性格的描写。 四、教学用具 故事书 课件 五、教学过程 Period 1 Step 1 Warm up Ask ss to look at the cover of the book and ask any questions in their mind. Show ss some images of Baba Yaga and introduce the folktale. Andreas Johns identifies Baba Yaga as one of the most memorable and distinctive figures in eastern European folklore. In? Old Russian, baba may mean midwife, sorceress, or fortune teller. In? modern Russian, the word means grandmother? The first clear reference to Baba Yaga (Iaga baba) occurs in 1755; She appeared in the 2019 film He-llboy, portrayed by EmmaTate and Troy James. 设计意图: 对Baba Yaga的形象和文化背景有简单的了解。引导学生看封面进行预测和提问。 Step 2 Pre-reading Ask ss to go through some pictures in the book and discuss: What do they see? What do they wonder? e.g. In the first picture, I see a girl and a woman in red. The girl is cleaning the floor while the woman is scolding her. I wonder who they are and what their relationship is. Why is the girl afraid of the woman? 设计意图: 引导学生观察图片,描述图片信息,并能够由此提出自己的疑问。 Step 3 While-reading Ask ss to listen and read page 2~5 to find out: Who are the characters? What was the special job? Do you think it was a trick? How do you know from the story? Ask ss to find some descriptions to show author’s attitude towards the job. Ask ss to analyze character’s potential action If you were Natasha, what would you do? (e.g. I would escape from home./ I would go to the forest with a knife to protect myself.) Discuss these choices, talking about pros and cons for each one. As


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