丽声经典故事屋第七级Cinderella 灰姑娘 教学设计.docx

丽声经典故事屋第七级Cinderella 灰姑娘 教学设计.docx

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《丽声经典故事屋》(第七级) Cinderella 教学设计 一、教学目标 技能目标:学生快速阅读,能够用自己的话简单描述书中人物;能够在阅读后对人物进行深层次的分析;学生小组合作,进行故事的讲述并进行组间评价;学习使用过渡词连接故事;通过故事地图,能够总结和概括故事内容。 语言目标:学生能够结合上下文猜测词义;能够结合故事理解更多词汇;学习多义词的概念,并在故事中找到熟悉的词,结合上下文理解新的用法和意义;能够跟着录音朗读故事并体会人物的感情。 情感态度和价值目标:对以前熟悉的故事能有新的思考,并对一本书有更深入的评价。 二、教学重点 能够通过小组合作讲述故事。 能够完成故事地图,概括故事内容。 学生能够结合上下文猜测词义。 三、教学难点 能够在阅读后对人物进行深层次的分析。 学习多义词的概念,并找到故事中的多义词在绘本中的意义。 四、教学用具 故事书 课件 五、教学过程 Period 1 Step 1 Brainstorming Ask each group (of 4~6) to talk about what comes to their mind in terms of Cinderella. (Teacher can give an example with his or her own ideas.) Ask each group to show their list. (The group which contains the most relative words wins.) 设计意图: 学生分组讨论关于灰姑娘的联想,激活旧知和语言。 Step 2 Character discussion Ask ss to point out the characters in the story. Ask ss to open the book to check. Ask ss to describe each character in 1~3 sentences. 设计意图: 学生打开书,快速地找到每个人物,并用自己的语言进行描述,激活思维。 Step 3 Read and discuss Ask ss to read through the book and discuss these questions in groups: Why do you think Fairy Godmother came to help Cinderella? Why do you think the prince fell in love with Cinderella? Why didn’t the slipper turn back after midnight? 设计意图: 快速浏览故事,思考深层次问题,对人物进行分析,以及进行发散思维训练。 Step 4 Language study New words study Ask ss to find out and mark the words in the book. Ask ss to copy them in the chart. Ask ss to copy the sentences where these words appear. Ask ss to work in pairs to discuss the part of speech and meaning. Ask ss to work in pairs to discuss the pronunciation. Show ss the interpretation and pronunciation. 设计意图: 结合文本,学习新的词汇。 Homonyms Introduce homonyms to students. Ask ss to read the words and draw what comes into their mind. Ask ss to find the words in the book and the corresponding picture. Ask ss to fill in the interpretation. 设计意图: 学习多义词的概念,在故事中找到相关用法;结合以前的词义,进行对比和理解。 Period 2 Step 1 Tell the story Ask ss to work in groups to tell the story. Lead ss to start the story by answering questions.


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