高中英语 01 7选501 7选5(原卷版+解析版).docx

高中英语 01 7选501 7选5(原卷版+解析版).docx

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2021高考英语真题分类拔高练习01 7选5 1.(2020·浙江)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 ??? I experienced years of loneliness as a child. ________?His friends teased him about babysitting his sister and his interests were far different from mine. With no other kids of my age in the neighborhood, I had to spend hours by myself. ??? A bright spot for me turned out to be reading. My love of the written word began early as my mother read to me every evening. ________?I started reading books on my own before age 5 and my mother took me to the public library once a week to borrow several books. I quickly graduated from typical childrens books to ones with fewer pictures and longer chapters. Reading opened new worlds to me. ________ ??? My mother also encouraged me to make what I wanted. I tried making toy cars with cardboard boxes and constructing buildings from leftover cardboard and bits of wood my father gave me. When my mother saw my creations, she told me how creative my designs were. ________?I learned a lot about how to extend the life of objects and transform them into something new and useful. It was a trait(特点) others found helpful, and I soon had friends who wanted to make things with me. ??? ________My parents made it a point for their two kids to spend time outside, no matter the weather or season. My brother, of course, raced off to be with his friends, while I had plenty to do myself. There was making leaf houses in autumn, ice skating in winter, and so much more. Theyre all memories I treasure today. A. I wasnt alone any longer. B. I enjoyed reading stories aloud. C. I was invited to play with another kid. D. I loved the colorful photographs in the books. E. Another habit I formed early was being outdoors. F. Thus, I began my lifelong interest in making things. G. My older brother couldnt be bothered to play with me. 2.(2020·新课标Ⅲ)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 ??? A housewarming party is a special party to be held when someone buys or moves into a new


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