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英语(二)-平时测验1 1.单选题 1.11 She insisted that what she had done ___ right. 您答对了 a is b was c be d had been 答案解析: 看见insist,后面从句中一定是虚拟语气的考点,需要原型动词,选择C。 1.21 The book written by the famous writer is worth ___(read). 您答对了 a reading b being read c to read d to have read 答案解析: 从教材中我们学习到be worth doing是固定的搭配用法,因此A。 1.31 ___ it is a good thing I did not get that post I applied for, though I must admit that I was disappointed at the time. 您答对了 a In a way b In the way c In no way d In a family way 答案解析: 句子含义明显表明“在某种意义上”,选择A。 1.41 Your spoken English has improved ___, but it still requires a great deal of practice and hard work. 您答对了 a in the way b by the way c in a way d in any way 答案解析: 逗号后面的but起到了对整个句子含义上的转折作用,因此应该选择C。 1.51 -Why can’t you and Bill go to the movies tonight? -We are ___ a history test tomorrow. 您答对了 a supposed to having b supposedly to have c supposed to have d supposedly to having 答案解析: 根据固定词组搭配,选择C。 1.61 However, radio is already rapidly becoming ___ to thousands of people in these areas. 您答对了 a expensive b accessible c approachable d access 答案解析: 只有B,C和D能与to形成搭配,D的固定搭配为have access to,而C表示“可以接近的”,因此选择B。 1.71 I always ___ what I have said. 您答对了 a get to b hold to c lead to d see to 答案解析: 考察单词含义,表达“坚持”,选择B。 1.81 The teacher asked each of us ___ what he had been doing. 您答对了 a in time b in part c in trouble d in turn 答案解析: 根据句子含义,“老师轮流询问学生”,选择D。 1.91 When he was questioned about the missing ring , he firmly___that he had ever seen it. 您答对了 a defied b accused c refused d denied 答案解析: 根据句子含义,表达了“否认”的含义,因此选择D。 1.101 Color-blind people often find it difficult to ___ between blue and green. 您答对了 a separate b compare c contrast d distinguish 答案解析: 从公句子含义分析,表达是“难以区别/辨别”,因此选择D。当然,distinguish还可以与from形成短语搭配。 1.111 He often talks as if he___(be)my father. 您答对了 a is b was c were d had been 答案解析: 看见as if应该可以反应出考点为虚拟语气,这里的talks为第三人称单数,为一般现在时,即本句应该是对现在的虚拟,因此从句中应该使用动词的过去形式,选择则C。 1.121 It is no easy thing to ___some work to do. 您答对了 a bring about b bring up c bring out d bring back 答



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