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高考英语熟词生义 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 9102 Part1 高考英语常考的一词多义(精选) 1 5401 Part2 高考英语常考的熟词生义(精选) 14 19287 Part3 检测及答案 19 Part1 高考英语常考的一词多义(精选) 1.advance 词性词义 例句 vi.前进;上涨 vt.提出 The water is advancing at a rate of 5cm a day. 水位正以每天5厘米的速度上升。 n.提前;预先;增长;上涨;预付款 It is a good idea to place your order well in advance. 提前下好订单是个好主意。 adj.预先的;先行的 They have got advance information of the storms approach. 他们事先已得到将有暴风雨的消息。 2.advocate 词性词义 例句 vt.提倡;拥护 The supermarket does not advocate the use of plastic bags. 该超市不支持使用塑料包装袋。 n.提倡者;拥护者 He is an advocate of low carbon lifestyle. 他是一个低碳生活方式的拥护者。 3.average 词性词义 例句 n.平均数 His average for his high school course was 90.他高中功课的平均成绩是90分。 adj.平均的 The average price of goods rose by just 2.2%.商品的平均价格仅上涨了2.2%。 vi.平均vt.将……平均分配 The children average seven years of age. 这些孩子的平均年龄为7岁。 4.bargain 词性词义 例句 n.便宜货 She knows a bargain when she sees one. 她有辨别便宜货的能力。 vt.vi.讨价还价 The salesman refused to bargain over price.推销员拒绝讨价还价。 5.benefit 词性词义 例句 vt.vi.受益;得益于 The students have benefited a lot from their participation in various kinds of social activities. 学生们参与各种社会活动,受益匪浅。 n.益处,好处 Many people find that regular physical activity gives them some unexpected benefits.很多人发现定期运动为他们带来了一些意想不到的好处。 6.cheer 词性词义 例句 vi.欢呼 The crowd cheered loudly when Lang Lang went up the steps to the bandstand. 当郎朗走上演奏台的台阶时,人群高声欢呼起来。 vt.为……欢呼、加油 We all cheered the runners on as they started the last lap.他们进入最后一圈时,我们都为运动员加油鼓劲。 n.喝彩;欢呼 All the students burst into cheers when he finished his speech on school reform. 当他做完关于学校改革的演讲时,全体学生爆发出了欢呼声。 7.content 词性词义 例句 n.内容 The content of the textbook is quite beyond the childrens understanding. 教材的内容大大超出了孩子们的理解力。 adj.满足的 After a good meal, we were all content. 美餐一顿之后,我们都感到心满意足。 8.couple 词性词义 例句 n.一对;一双;一些;几个 There are a couple of books Id like you to read.有几本书我想让你读读。 n.夫妻 The young couple enjoy wandering around the streets at weekends. 这对小夫妻喜欢周末在街上闲逛。 vt.连接 The train will be ready to leave when all the carriages have been coupled.当所有车厢都


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