Unit2GrowingpainsWordpower课后提升练- 高中英语牛津译林版必修一.docVIP

Unit2GrowingpainsWordpower课后提升练- 高中英语牛津译林版必修一.doc

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第PAGE1页(共NUMPAGES1页) Unit 2 Growing pains ——Word power 一、根据汉语提示用所给英文单词完成句子 1. The house, ________________________(房前有棵树), is my home. (stand) 2. The city _______________(我成长的)is very hot in summer. (grow) 3. She had two brothers and a sister, __________________________(他们的面容她一个也不记得)because they had died when she was very young. (remember) 4. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, _____________________ (其中的80%销往国外). (sell) 5. A number of children ___________________________(父母死去了的)in the earthquake were sent to live with families in other cities. (kill) 6. Everything depends on the way____________________(我们处理问题的方式). (deal) 7. The boy will never forget the day ________________________(他一个人被留在家里). (leave) 8. The reason ___________________________(我兄弟为何戒烟)is that it is bad for his health. (quit) 9. There are two thousand students in our school, ______________________(其中2/3是女孩). (whom) 10. He returned at midnight, ________________________(到那个时候我都睡着了). (time) 二、阅读理解 When we are little we do all kinds of foolish things,sometimes unwillingly and sometimes premeditated(有预谋的).And parents next behaviour is to punish us and make sure that we wont repeat that nonsense(愚蠢的行为)again. Therefore,at an early age parents punish their children as follows:firstly,they dont allow children to watch TV for a couple of days;secondly,parents dont permit their children to go out and play with their friends;thirdly,children are given different tasks to do—they have to write something several times or they have to stay in the corner of the room,until parents decide to“free”them. Moreover,when in their adolescence(青春期),children can receive other types of punishments.Most parents punish children by not giving them pocket money,which is the best form of punishment for them.Then,they forbid children to go out in weekends or return home after a certain hour.Not to forget the fact that parents also refuse to give them food,which means that children have to prepare meals alon


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