Unit3TheMillionPoundBank-NoteGap-filling教案- 高中英语人教版必修三.docxVIP

Unit3TheMillionPoundBank-NoteGap-filling教案- 高中英语人教版必修三.docx

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Gap-filling Teaching plan Subject Gap-filling Intention Help Students to learn Gap-filling Intended for Senior school students Teaching form Micro lesson Teaching aims Knowledge aim: get a general idea of Gap-filling and master the usage of Gap-filling Ability aim: to encourage the students to learn rules in an effective and interesting way Moral aim: to arouse the students’ interest in learning Gap-filling Teaching procedures Step1: Give a general introduction of Gap-filling, including its’ origin, its structure etc. Step 2: The teaching of Gap-filling To teach the students an easy way to learn Gap-filling using a jingle. Give a detailed explanation of Gap-filling a. hold住12字口诀,“七选五”不再“伤不起” b.走马观花 主旨句 (标题类,主题句类) 设空类型 过渡性句子(文章结构) 细节注释性句子(上下文逻辑) c. 草船借箭 先读文章的开始部分,明确文章的基本话题,然后仔细阅读五个空各自的前后句寻找并画出关键词。(一名(名词)袋(代词)鼠(数词)很特殊(特殊疑问词),连(连词)蹦(动词)带跳很彪(标点/标题)悍。) d. A, 并列关系:First(ly),Second(ly),;First, then/next;In the first place,in the second place; for one thing, for another thing ,...;then /next ,finally/last 等。 B, 递进关系:too, also, besides, further, furthermore, moreover, what’s more, in addition, as well, to make matters worse ,not ...but... ,not only ...but also等。 C, 解释例证关系:for example,for instance ,in fact/as a matter of fact ,actually ,in other words /that is to say 等 D, 因果关系: so /therefore ,thus ,consequently(结果) ,as a result (of), so/ such ...that ...,so that ...等 E, 转折对比关系:but, however , yet ,while /though ,or /otherwise ,on the contrary ,instead, nevertheless(然而), still ,yet, on the contrary ,in contrast / comparison 等 F, 概况归纳关系:in short, in brief, in summary, generally speaking ,in general , to conclude ,in conclusion, in a word ,on the whole , to sum up 等 e. 木已成舟 以上12字口诀,请大家熟记于心。以后再做七选五试题时,依序深情吟诵之,定可拨云见日、去伪存真。正可谓: 萧瑟秋风今又是,换了人间。 Step 3 Consolidation 备考战略: 经验分享 经验一:前瞻后顾,寻找"信号词",回到选择项中筛选。 (复现) 经验二:浓缩句意,意义匹配,整体把握。 (同义) 经验三:以段落为单位梳理文章脉络,留意文章的起承转. (逻辑及结构) Some exercises Postscript



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