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Unit 2 Love;;;;Critical Thinking ;Lead in;Lead in;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge;Background Knowledge; ; ;Why is a loving relationship fundamentally paradoxical according to Wagoner?; ; ; ; ;1. How do you interpret the statement that “love is finding oneself in another” (para.8)? Use your personal experience or fictional anecdotes as evidence.;2. Wagoner admits that history has furthered the development of some ideas of love in Para 9. What might he refer to?;Part II Word Study;2. priority (Para. 6, line 9) noun 1) [C,U] the thing that our think is most important and that needs attention before anything else优先处理的的事,当务之急 e.g. The club’s priority is to win the League. e.g. The children are our first priority . 2) [U] the right to be given attention first and before other people or things 优先权 e.g. I want to start work on the garden but the house must take priority. 3) Get your priorities right分清事情的轻重缓急;3. correlate (Para. 7, line 2) verb [I, T] if two or more facts, ideas etc. correlate or if you correlate them, they closely connected to each other or one causes the other (使)相互关联 e.g. Poverty and poor housing correlate with a shorter life expectancy. Collocation: correlate strongly/significantly/ closely ;4. personality (Para. 7, line 2) noun 1) [C,U] someone’s character, especially the way they behave towards other people 个性,性格 e.g. Despite their different personalities, they became the best of friends. 2) [C] someone who is very famous and often appears in the newspapers on television etc., especially an entertainer or sports person 名人 e.g. one of the most well-liked TV personality;5. inextricably (Para. 8, line 5) adverb if two or more things are inextricably linked etc., they are very closely related and affect each other 紧密相连,密不可分 e.g. Physical health is inextricably linked to mental health.;6. coherent (Para. 9, line 9


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