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Unit 2Unit 2 Unit 2: Social issue Section I. Teaching suggestions 1. Teaching and learning objectives In this unit, the teacher should help students reach the following goals: Learn to evaluate sources of a text before they start reading it carefully. Learn to understand the logic behind an argument and challenge or accept its validity. Learn to write an essay that gives a critical review of an article or a book. Have a clear understanding of the components of a critical review. 2. A suggested teaching plan This unit may take 4 class periods (45 minutes each) to finish: Section A and B each takes 2 class periods. A1. Reading skills focus—Logic (30 minutes) Following is a table of the ten most common logical fallacies. Let students familiarize themselves with the terms used and finish the following exercise. A table of the most common logical fallacies Fallacies are common errors in reasoning that will undermine the logic of your argument. Fallacies can be either illegitimate arguments or irrelevant points, and are often identified because they lack evidence that supports their claim. Exercise: Look at the following arguments and identify the logical fallacies in them by name. A list of the name of logical fallacies is given in the table below. No Name of fallacies 1 Red Herring \o 红鲱鱼 红鲱鱼:顾左右而言他 2 Dicto Simpliciter草率概括:没有足够证据得出一个结论 3 Ad Misericordiam 诉诸同情:乞怜的言论 4 Non Sequitur没有推理:观点的第一个部分和其他部分没有关系 5 Circular Argument循环论:不同的词重新论证已经论述过的东西 6 Either/or reasoning非此即彼:认为只有两个选择,非此即彼,然而可能复杂得多(有第三、四种可能) 7 Straw Man \o 刺稻草人 刺稻草人:偷换主题,攻击和对方之论述无关的论点 8 Ad hominem人身攻击:攻击人而非观点 9 Post hoc ergo propter hoc 错误因果:在这个之后发生,所以是因为这个 10 Slippery Slope滑坡谬误:以非常可疑的联系假定一个因果关系 No Examples of logical fallacies 1 If we legalize marijuana, the next thing you know well legalize heroin, LSD (一种迷幻药), and crack cocaine (纯可卡因). 2 Even though its only the first day, I can tell this is going to be a boring course. 3 I drank bottled water and now I am sick, so the water must have made me sick.



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