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W wait [we?t] vi. 等候? keep sb waiting, Wait your turn. Wait and see. Wait a minute, can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事 wait for 等待某人?for sb lo do,?to be served Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不等人. wail at / on the table侍候(顾客)进餐 wait on sb 侍候某人 waiting room 等候室 ?n. waiter / waitress wake [we?k] vi. 醍来 ?up with a start 惊醒? vt. ?sb up 唤醒/弄醒 waken [?we?k?n vi. 醒来 =wake (up)/ awake/ awaken vt. 唤醒? be wakened by a loud noise ?walk [w?:k] v. 走;步行;散步?walk the whole distance, walk the dog 遛狗 n. all walks of life 各行各业 take a ? go for a ~ after supper a 2-hour walk = 2 hours’ walk ?wander [?w?nd?(r)] vi. 徘徊;游荡;闲逛 ?about 徘徊 ?about the world 漫游世界 ~?through the street ?want [w?nt] vt. a. 需要?want/ need sth badly (-greatly), The room wants cleaning / to be cleaned, want sth (to he) done You are wanted on the phone.你有电话. b. 通缉 be wanted by the police 被警方通缉 c. 征聘 Man cook wanted. 征聘男厨师名. n. a. 需要? in want / need of 需要?The house is in ?of repair, ?warm [w?:m] adj. 暖和的;热情的?receive a ~ welcome a ~hearted man ~blooded animals v. (使)变暖?one’s hands by the fire warm up? a. (使)暖和?Please —the milk. b. (使)热身,做准备活动;(使)兴奋/活跃 warming up exercises准备练习? n. warmth ?warn [w?:n] ?vt. 警告;告诫;提醒 ~ sb of sth, ~ sb against sb / (doing) sth 提酲某人提防…/ 不耍做某事 ?sb (not) to do / that ~ sb of the danger 提醒某人有危险 He?ed us against pickpockets.他提醒我们要提防机手。 ~ sb against smoking (= - sb not to smoke) n. warning ?wash [w??] v. 洗? do some washing ~one’s hands frequently to avoid being infected by diseases. ~ up 洗餐具away 冲走? be washed away by the flood. The cloth washes well. ?waste [we?st] v. 浪费 ?sth (doing sth)/? lose no time in doing sth 赶紧做 ?one’s breath / words on sth 白费口舌 n. 浪费? It's a waste of time and money / energy. It’s a ?of time doing sth. adj. 废弃的;无用的? waste paper / water / material ?watch [w?t?] vt. a. (观)看;注视;观察 ~ a football match ~ the child cross / crossing the street b.? 留心;看守? Watch/Mind your step! Watch my suitcase, watch out 小心;戒备,提防? Watch out! Watch out for pickpocke


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