人教PEP五年级英语上册 Unit6_B_Let’s_learn 公开课教案.docxVIP

人教PEP五年级英语上册 Unit6_B_Let’s_learn 公开课教案.docx

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PAGE1 / NUMPAGES1 Unit6 B Let’s learn公开课教案 Teaching Aims: 1. 能听、说、读、写单词village, house, building, tree, bridge。 2. 初步掌握There be句型的肯定句和一般疑问句。 Teaching tools:Computer, TV, cards Teaching ways:听说法、自然拼读法、游戏法 Studying ways:小组合作法 Teaching steps: Step1: Warm-up Let the Ss listen to a song《In a nature park》 Step2: Preview 1. T shows several pictures (mountain, hill, river, lake, forest), and lets the Ss read them as fast as they can. 2. T shows the PPT, and asks the Ss to make sentences: There is a hill. There is a forest. Is there a lake? 并板书重点句子在黑板上,用红色标注出Be动词。 Step3: Presentation T asks the Ss to open their books, turn to page 62, and use the PPT to show the “Let’s learn”, ask the Ss read after it. Teaching “village” 1. 课件出示一张村庄图片,问学生这是什么,引出“village”,展示单词卡中文的一面,讲解音标及重音部分。 2. 打节奏练习单词。Play a game: “Plus and Minus” 3. 叫学生造句:“那有一个村庄 — There is a village. Is there a village?” Teaching “house” 1. 再次出现村庄图片,引导学生发现村庄中有许多的房子,出示“house”。 2. 让学生听虎啸声,感受字母组合ou的音标“奥”,小组比赛虎啸声,进一步教授单词“house”。 3. Play a game “loud and low” Teaching “building” 1. 课件中出示建筑物的图片,讲解building和house的区别,带读并讲解重音及打节奏。 2. T: OK, now, kids, please count how many buildings are there in this picture? Ss: Two. T: Then how many buildings in these two pictures? (出示两张一样的建筑物图片,共有四栋建筑物。) Ss: There are four buildings. T: Yes, you’re very good. (板书 There are…) 3. Play a game: Fast reaction. Practice 1 1. Review the words at first. 2. Make a game: Stick the cards. 3. Make several sentences. Teaching “tree” 1. 课件中出现森林图,问学生森林中有许多的什么?引出“树木 — tree” 2. 用音标教学,ee - /i:/, teach the word 3. Ask the students to make sentences “There are many trees in the forest. Is there a tree?” Teaching “bridge” 1. Let the Ss to look at the PPT, read the sentence “There are many trees near the river.” And “There is a …” 引出“bridge”. 2. Read after T. 3. Read it in little groups. Practice 2 1. Review the five words at first. 2. Make a game: Bomb Game. Step4: Oral Practice 1. Let the Ss listen to the “Let’s learn”


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