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Primer on U.S. Immigration Policy Updated July 1, 2021 Congressional Research Service R45020 行业资源微信群 微信扫码,免费报告轻松领 进群即领取群利《报告与资源合编》,内有近百行业、上万份行研、管理及其他学习资源; 每日学习分享最新6+份精选报告; 群友信息交流,群主免费解答并提供相关行业报告。 扫一扫二维码,添加客服微信(微信号:Teamkon2); 添加好友请备注:姓名+单位+行业或业务领域 业务合作请联系微信:teamkon 业务合作请联系微信:teamkon 知识星球 行业与管理资源社群 微信扫码,工作轻松无忧 无限制下载行业研究报告、咨询公司管理方案,企业运营制度、科技方案与大咖报告等。 每月同步更新3000+份最新行业资源;涵盖科技、金融、教育、互联网、房地产、生物制药、医疗健康等行研报告、科技动态、管理方案; 报告收集整理于网络,只用于群友学习,请勿他用 Primer on U.S. Immigration Policy U.S. immigration policy is governed largely by the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which was first codified in 1952 and has been amended significantly several times since. U.S. immigration policy contains two major aspects. One facilitates migration flows into the United States according to principles of admission that are based upon national interest. These broad principles currently include family reunification, U.S. labor market contribution, origin-country diversity, and humanitarian assistance.  SUMMARY R45020July 1, 2021 R45020 July 1, 2021 William A. Kandel Analyst in Immigration Policy immigration occurs through family and employer-sponsored categories, the diversity immigrant visa lottery, and refugee and asylee admissions. Temporary immigration occurs through the admission of foreign nationals for specific purposes and limited periods of time, and encompasses two dozen categories that include foreign tourists, students, temporary workers, and diplomats. The other major aspect of U.S. immigration policy involves restricting entry to and removingpersons fromthe United States who lack authorization to be in the country, are identified as criminal aliens, or whose presence in the United States is determined to not serve the national interest. Such immigration enforcement is broadly divided between border enforcement—at and between U.S. land, air, and sea ports of entry—and other enforcement tasks including interior enforcement, detention, removal, worksite enforcement, and combatting


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