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2、无限大太空 为什么要探索太空?—拓宽人类生存环境!利用 太空是一个实实在在的资源 高度资源 微重力资源 超高真空资源 能量和物质资源 与人类生活紧密相关 气象、通讯、交通 利用高度资源 美俄等航天大国已建立全球信息网 是国家安全的保障 太空已经成为继陆、海、空后的航天战场,即陆、海、空、天军事活动。 制天权将越来越重要! 太空已成为未来国家安全的重要领域 天基空间目标监视系统 能量和物质资源(二) 空间生物技术 细胞培养 (a)on Earth;(b)in space more aggregated, healthier in space 龙椒2号经空间诱变,平均果重提高70%,最高单重400.75g,VC含量显著增加 卫星搭载,大穗型稳定变异株 人类基因变异可怕!植物与种子变异? 超高真空资源 随着高度的上升,空气变得越来越稀薄,在宇宙飞船、航天飞机、空间站飞行高度可达10-5Pa的真空环境。虽然在地面上可以实现更高的真空度,但不可避免地受真空室容积和真空泵抽速的限制。 NASA率先开展了优质半导体外延半导体晶体及器件的加工专用平台。 空间微重力资源 微重力的产生 The attractive force (F) of an object as a function of its altitude is: The further an object is transported from the Earth, the less it will be attracted. At an altitude of 400 km above the Earths surface a stationary object would still have about 89% of its terrestrial weight. An adult male with mass 80 kg would appear to weigh about 71 kg, which is far from being weightless ! 一个在地面上80 kg重的男子,在400 km的高空仍具有71 kg 的重量,此时远远没有达到微重力水平。 空间材料科学 空间流体科学 怎样才能产生微重力、失重现象? To get a better understanding of gravity and weightlessness, we must now focus our attention on what happens when you let an object fall freely. When an object is in continuous free-fall and there are no external forces acting on it, then the object can be described as being weightless, more precisely known as microgravity. In this case, all gravity effects disappear and only the internal forces inside the object remain. 没有外力作用的自由下落物体可以被认为处于失重状态,或准确地讲处于微重力状态。 Free Fall Newton When an astronaut jumps from the hypothetical skyscraper (i.e. above the atmosphere) with a side-velocity of about 28 000 km/h, he will be in continuous free-fall (Jump C). In the cases of Jumps A and B, the astronaut does not have sufficient velocity to make a full circle and, sadly for him, he ends up crash-landing back to Earth. 如何在空间获得微重力? An orbiting spacecraft and all its contents will be in continuous free-fall. 这就是为什么宇航员可以毫不费力地飘来飘去的真正原因。 微重力水平——没有绝对失重或0g 实际上,不可能达到真正意义上的“失重” 次级效应:1、不同的航天器部件具有不同的轨道



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