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PAGE6 / NUMPAGES19 合作协议 Cooperation Agreement CONTRACT NO 合同号: Sign Place 签订地: 卖方(甲方): The Seller(Party A): 地址: Address: 买方(乙方): The Buyer(Party B): 地址: Address: 买卖双方经友好协商,就卖方向买方销售产品的有关事宜,于________(日期)达成协议如下: After friendly negotiation, the Seller and the Buyer have reached the following Agreement in ____________(date) with respect to the sale of products by the Seller to the Buyer: 一、适用范围 Scope 本协议适用于买卖双方在本协议签字生效后的协议有效期内的所有订单。 This Agreement applies to all purchase orders between the Seller and the Buyer during the term of the Agreement after signing of this Agreement. 二、授权Authorization 卖方授权买方为 地区的经销商,销售卖方 品牌下的产品 。 The Seller authorizes the Buyer as distributor to sell Products of brands, in the Territory of . 三、购销数量Amount of Purchases and Sales 1、每年10月20日之前,双方约定下一年的非约束性的大概销售预测。其中必须包含每个月的订单数量预测和全年的平均到每月的订单数量。 The parties will agree to a non-binding estimate of the next year’s sales forecast before 20th of October of each year. And it shall specify each month sales quantity forecast and a monthly average sales quantity throughout the year. 2、每月20日之前,双方确认下月约束性的订单。每月最终实际订单数量可在当年预测的相应月份的非约束性订单数量的基础上增减20%以内。 The parties will confirm the following month’s binding order before the 20th of each month. The final order quantity for the month can be ±20% than is specified in correspondent month of the non-binding estimate of the year’s sales forecast. 3、买方在承诺合同有效期内在 区域内销售量至少达到 品牌 件/年,根据市场情况,卖方可接受±20%销量的浮动。买方连续两个月未能完成80%的平均月预计订单量,卖方有权解除本协议。 The Buyer promises to sell at least brand units /year within the contract valid period in territory. Order quality could fluctuate by ±20% according to market situation. If the Buyer failed to complete 80% of the monthly average sales quantity for two consecutive months, the Seller has the right to terminate this Agreement. 4、根据双方协商,各月份销量明细如下(单位:units): Monthly sales volume are as foll


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